Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Nature Of The Earth - 930 Words
The earth is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful things that God has created. Creation is all around and is a testimony to all who see. Maintaining the earth is simple task that many have decided to do, this has created a large movement called environmentalism. The movement may put off many Christians, as it seems worldly in some sense. However, God has commanded that man â€Å"keep and dress†the earth in Genesis 2:15. This is one reason that Christians should have a hand in taking care of the creation that God has given. Christians can do many things to help in the preservation and restoration of the environment and should do so. God gives the account in Genesis of creation. God creates all that is on the earth in a few days before he created man. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the responsibility to rule over the earth and take care of it. The garden that God originally created was perfect and therefore, did not require much work. However, when man chose to sin, the earth was cursed as is told in Genesis 3. This curse caused thorns and thistles to grown and the earth was no longer perfect. God told Adam that through â€Å"painful toil†he would now eat (Genesis 3:17). The earth now required maintenance and man would have to take care of it in order to use the resources it provided. Since the fall, the earth is â€Å"polluted by its inhabitants†(Isaiah 24:5) and is â€Å"subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it†Show MoreRelatedNature Is A Product Of The Earth1002 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Coastlines are not found in nature; they are products of human initiative†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gillis 99). This quote said by John R. Gillis brings up a very important discussion. Are coastlines found in nature or have they been built into something we as humans wanted them to be? When the quote is first read, it may be easy to say of course coastlines exist in nature because they are nature. 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