Thursday, May 21, 2020
Rodney King - 955 Words
Turnitin gave a grade of 4% similarity. | Unethical Behavior of Police Brutality | Ethical Behavior In Criminal Justice | | Yasmen Sarter | 11/18/2012 | This paper is to the best of my ability. | From the perspective of law, excessive physical force most clearly constitutes police brutality, a term often applied loosely to various forms of police misconduct (Holmes, 2000). Over the years, police brutality continues to be an issue of concern all across the world and the need for reducing law enforcement from engaging in this unethical behavior is imperative. Although, police organizations throughout the United States have responded by tightening their physical force, policies and reminding their officers to use†¦show more content†¦Professionally, the rookie officer potentially could damage his career before it even began. He could also be bullied or harassed for violating the â€Å"code of silence†among officers. Not to mention, an accusation of any wrong doing will forever remain on his record and he could possibly be assigned to desk duties. All officers involved in the beating and tasing of the suspect abused their power, but even more so the Sergeant whose job is to display exemplary ethical behavior. His job is to teach good ethics by his actions and discourage moral impurity and police misconduct. Police brutality is a reoccurring issue in the United States that we face in society. There is not enough training offered for police officers to gain throughout their career. The implementations of refresher courses are essential in helping to reduce unethical behavior/police misconduct. The training should consist of posing different scenarios involving police misconduct and how they should respond when faced with an ethical dilemma. It is therefore recommended that law enforcement be required to obtain ethical training over the course of their career. More emphasis needs to be placed on the relevance of ethical behavior especially when it involves law enforcement. Works Cited Feagin, J., Herman, V., amp; Batur, P. (2000). White Racism. Los Angeles. Holmes, M. (2000). Minority threat and police brutality: Determinants of civil rights criminalShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality And The Law Enforcement846 Words  | 4 Pagesdemonstrating the brutality of law enforcement has been becoming more frequent over the past couple of years. When you hear about these cases of police brutality, how often is it that law enforcement officials are punished for the crime they have perpetrated? Most of the time the law enforcement officials, who are very well in the wrong do not get any kind of punishment whatsoever for the crimes that they have committed and it all comes back to the power that they have. Police brutality cases have beenRead MoreEssay about Unethical Police Operations959 Words  | 4 PagesThe actions of police are watched very closely. To the public, they are seen as those who protect and preserve the peace. However, there have been many situations in which victims have had to testify against a police officer because of some type of misconduct. When this happens, it takes a serious toll on the entire community. Trust becomes ruined, and in most cases the victim is left with a mental scar. Police officers have ethics that they are expected to follow. In the cases where they do notRead MoreLaw Enforcement: The Following Case Study Is From The Baltimore1306 Words  | 6 PagesLaw Enforcement: The following case study is from the Baltimore Police Department April 2015 and involves a young African-American man named Freddie Gray and how he was mistreated, arrested, and killed by Baltimore Police. Freddie Gray was running when he was stopped and pinned to the ground by police officers. The officers stated that Gray had a knife on him but did not see or find one until after he was detained. Gray was screaming when he was being detained and he also requested an inhaler, whichRead MoreThe Ethics Of Unethical Behavior1626 Words  | 7 PagesCamus. Police hold a unique position in our society. They are entru sted to protect and serve the people. Their position is also unique in that it easily can lead to corruption and violence when unethical behavior is allowed. In our current culture, unethical police culture to easily seems to become the norm. Minor unethical actions seem to be ever present and larger problems have shown to become rampant in some departments. Solutions need to be found to combat the current culture of unethical behaviorRead MoreEssay on Ethics in Policing824 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation†(Merriam-Webster Online). This concept is prevalent in the world of police work since police officers are supposed to be the â€Å"good†in whatever is considered a â€Å"bad†situation. Many police departments offer training in ethics during the time in which a cadet is in the police academy and after officers are put on the streets, which is called in-service training. It is the hope t hat while this training is available to officersRead MorePolice Misconduct And The Criminal Justice System1039 Words  | 5 PagesPolice unethical operations, imposes high cost on police, the criminal justice system, and society. Criminal activity by a police officer undermines the basic integrity of law enforcement and the grounds which the laws were based on. Regardless if an officer takes a small bribe or is involve in a drug trade, the corruption forever change the relationship between communities and the face of justice. . . Unethical Police Operation When a Police Officer abuses his authority, it is called policeRead MoreEthics and Law Enforcement: Ethical Conduct for Police Officers676 Words  | 3 PagesEthical Conduct for Police Officers Ethics among police officers is critical to maintaining law and order in a democratic society. Whether responding, investigating, interrogating, interviewing, or handling evidence, police interface directly with citizens and possess a great deal of power (Borello, 2012). When they are corrupt or otherwise unethical, it compromises balance and safety in a community and in society as a whole. Ethical behavior helps instill public trust in the systems and policiesRead MoreThe Problem Of Making Unethical Choices938 Words  | 4 Pages†¢ The problem of making unethical choices due to ‘systematic corruption’ and ‘administrative evil’ (Svara, 2015,p.110) o Systematic corruption occurs when the military system of following orders, apply directly in the public service, forces participants to follow instructions and punished those who resist, even though the instructions is unethical and it means the suffering of some citizens. o Government claimed to have been abide by and maintain law and order, but contradicted by their practicesRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Police Officer1827 Words  | 8 Pagescommunity and those who have sworn to protect its citizens. The process of improving police conduct and addressing educational needs has been slow with recommendations as far back as the early 1900s. Commissions, such as Wickersham and the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice suggested a link between education and ethical behavior. Recommendations were made to increase the learning of police officers through training and formal education. The common belief was educationRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1204 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause it relies on stereotypes and encourages discrimination. Examining cases that have occurred in the past and most recently help us fully understand this issue. Many studies and reports of racial profiling involve excessive use of force, police brutality, imposition of death penalty, traffic stops, stop and frisk issues, airport screening and immigration. All these issues are fully expressed in this paper. This paper offers facts and statistics as evidence of the existence of racial profiling
Monday, May 18, 2020
Financial Perspectives In The Current Climate Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1476 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The means of financial is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling, so it must applying general principles to financial resources of the company. The decisions in investment contain fixed assets investment, it called as capital budgeting. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial Perspectives In The Current Climate Finance Essay" essay for you Create order The current assets in investment also one of decisions in investment, so it called as working capital decisions. The decisions in financial, it related to the raising of finance from difference resources which will depend on type of source, period of financing, cost of financing and the returns. The decisions in dividend, the finance manager is the one must take decision on net profit distribution. The net profits are separated into two: Dividend to the shareholders = Dividend and the rate will be decided. Retained profits = amount of retained profits will be confirm depend on the expansion and variety of plans of the company. Objectives of financial The financial is basically worried with earnings, allocation and control of financial resources. The objectives will be: To make sure regular and enough supply of funds. To make sure enough returns to the shareholders, it depend on the earning capacity, market price and potential of the shareholders. To make sure safety on investment, example, every fund supposed to invest in safety business so that can get enough return. To plan good capital structure, there must be good and fair arrangement of capital so that a balance is maintained between debit and fairness capital. To make sure its advantageous funds, like the funds should use in maximum level in low cost. Functions of Financial Funds investment: A decision have to make from finance manager for keeping funds into money making ventures, so that it is safety on investment and regular returns. Cash management: A decisions need to make from finance manager to cash management section. The most important thing is the cash, the cash doing many purposes like paying worker salaries, electricity bill, water bill, rent, wages, creditors, maintenance of stock, buying of new materials, etc. Financial controls: Plan, obtain and use the funds its not only job for finance manager but he also need to control in finances by doing control in cost and profit, financial prediction, ratio analysis, etc. Choices of funds source: For extra funds to be obtain, so the company got choices like Issue of shares. Loans from banks and financial agent. Estimate of capital requirement: The finance manager has to make prediction of capital requirement in the company, it depend on estimated costs and profits, future programmers and policies. So that, it will increase earning capacity of the company. Purpose of capital composition: After estimate process has be done, the capital structure need to decide. This involves in debit analysis for short-term and long-term. It will depend to the quantity of capital in the company and extra funds which have to be raised from outside parties. How the reduced quality product would affect the company financially Effects for finance: Internal effects Rework Delays Re-designing Shortages Failure analysis Re-testing Low grade Downtime Human error Production problem External effects Complaints Redoing services Warranties Customer not satisfy Reduce of sales Environmental cost All this internal effects and external effects is the major thing that will affect the company finance. The financial analysis in the shoe manufacturing operation Financial Analysis Solved With Business Intelligence System This is Business Intelligence (BI) software allows the company to store their databases in this system and it also easy for employees, management and company partners to work fast. This software can store up to 2 terabyte of data. This system save a lot of costs and improve company operation system. BI Software has capable to do reporting, analyzing and monitoring, so it allows the users to make better decisions every day. Analyze data to the journal entry: Users require the ability to observe revenue and cost to journal entries. This allows users to identify suspect items. Electronically distribute financial reports in securely: It be protected to make sure users can only access financial data for which they have privileges. Deliver accurate financial data in Microsoft Excel format: Provide static financial reports in Excel data, plus got extra features like interactive by providing access to all of the underlying data. Financial data to detect material problem in few second. Financial analysis has so many areas to analysis, the areas is: Balance Sheet Analysis This is one of the basic reports of corporate accounting. The Balance sheets are created multiple times during the close cycle to prove exactness before the final report is released to shareholders, government agencies and the public. Business Intelligence enables to combine of the balance sheet to more rapidly than Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, it for saving time to close. The most fundamental level of reporting is the automated combine system in balance sheet and the electronic sharing of the report is so safety for all authorities. Sample Report Balance Sheet Profit and Loss /Income Statement Analysis The revenue and costs is the main component of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and is also a helpful tool for understanding the strength of a business. Officer like Executives and managers are keep observe to the profit and loss actual versus budgets and forecasts to make sure their business is running well. It automatically generated profit and loss reports let managers to see current revenue, costs, and profitability, time over time and business unit comparisons, and actual to plan. Business intelligence also create more accurate quarterly and annually performance analysis, it allows to show complete revenue and cost components, and enables more advanced margin and contribution assessment. Sample Report Income Statement Cash Flow Analysis This is one of the standard components of certain Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings that summarize the operating activity of a business and its ability to generate cash. Professionals like executives and accounting expert depending on cash flow if they want make decisions in financing, operating and investing. Normal financial systems are not capable to handle large amounts of transaction-level of data, it will take several hours to complete cash flow reports and cannot give out these reports automatically. The Business intelligence provides automatic, close to real-time generation and provide of the cash flow statement. Business intelligence analysis including foreign currency exposure, payables schedules, and cash flow predictions to make sure investments in short-term and long-term instruments are aligned with cash requirements. Sample Report Cash Flow Analysis Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Analysis The Company has Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Accounts Payable (A/P) to handle operating cash flow. Standards A/R and A/P reports includes the value of accounts that are 30, 60, or 90 days overdue, monitoring distribution of receivables across customers, and reviewing payment trends for vendors across periods. More complicated analysis includes predicting potential bad debts, forecasting cash outlays, and tracking invoices and journal entries to the corresponding accounting representative. The A/P and A/R functions are benefitting thing. Sample Report Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Analysis Financial Budgeting and Forecasting The executives and managers continually revisit forecasts as actual are reported to find out how their business is performing relative to plan. Forecast reports allow detailed analysis by budget owners at every level of the organization and set the stage for determining sources of revenue and spending priorities. From simple reporting on actual performance versus budget to more difficult what if scenario creation and predictive modeling, organizations use business intelligence to make fact-based business plans and better monitor performance. Business Unit: North America Quarter: Q1 2007 Business Unit Owner: Amanda Phillips Account Actual QTD QTD Budget ($) QTD Budget Variance($) REVENUE Product License $ 65,236,584 $ 78,523,698 $ (13,287,114) Services $ 56,325,874 $ 51,232,156 $ 5,093,718 Other $ 2,154,885 $ 7,654,896 $ (5,500,011) TOTAL $ 123,717,343 $ 137,410,750 $ (13,693,407) COSTS Salaries $ 53,663,095 $ 52,610,878 $ (1,052,218) Rent $ 33,639,034 $ 34,325,545 $ 686,511 Fixed Allocations $ 5,026,205 $ 5,128,780 $ 102,576 Sales and Marketing $ 19,238,306 $ 19,630,925 $ 392,618 Communications $ 325,432 $ 451,023 $ 125,592 TOTAL COSTS $ 111,892,071 $ 112,147,150 $ 255,079 CONTRIBUTION $ 11,825,272 $ 25,263,600 $ (13,438,328) Sample Report Financial Budgeting and Forecasting Risk Management In credit risk, agreement risk, currency risk, cheating risk, and audit risk all are becoming increasingly key components of risk that should be controlled by corporations and government agencies. Credit risk management, by combining data from publicly available sources with corporate customer and sales data, focuses on the purpose of credit ratings, credit risk exposure in a particular country or industry, or the impact of increased customer defaults. Currency risk analysis involves valuation of exchange rate. Cheating risk analysis, through the use of statistical data, can uncover the activity linked to the fake events. Business intelligence, by enabling the use of data and statistical techniques for risk detection and management, can get wider worker populations to help mitigate the various forms of corporate risk. The Clothing Company Credit Rating Total Credit Line Credit Available % Credit Line Available Deposits and Other Assets Payment History Ocean Airline Aaa $ 575,138 $ 57,892 10% $ 8,503,990 Good Global Industries Bbb $ 651,822 $ 324,587 50% $ 9,637,840 Fair The Clothing Company bbb $ 452,846 $ 325,698 72% $ 6,695,781 Fair Financial Instruments Aaa $ 373,053 $ 372,154 100% $ 5,515,962 Good NSP Co. Bbb $ 360,991 $ 123 0% $ 5,337,613 Poor Great Motors AAA $ 369,115 $ 89,654 24% $ 5,457,734 Good Light Food Aaa $ 261,363 $ 154,789 59% $ 3,864,513 Fair Eyeshapers Inc. Aaa $ 172,513 $ 65,218 38% $ 2,550,777 Poor Internet Solutions LLC Bbb $ 153,339 $ 125,698 82% $ 2,267,270 Good University of Vienna Aaa $ 173,818 $ 154,898 89% $ 2,570,073 Good Sample Report Credit Risk Assessment
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse Essay
The Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse The headlines proclaimed the controversial news: race, poverty, and single-parents were NOT the irrevocable harbingers of drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and violence. Instead, researchers were claiming that behaviors that parents and teens could influence -- such as problems at school and the amount of time spent hanging out with friends and the type of friends they chose -- could predict trouble. Some cynics speculated that this was a right-wing conspiracy to justify abolishing federal programs for the poor. Some assumed that the media, always keen for a dog bites man story, had oversimplified research results to get a newsworthy sound bite. On the other hand, some†¦show more content†¦For example: Smoking: teens that live in a single-parent home are more likely to smoke, regardless of age (middle school or high school), income, or race/ethnicity. Whites are more likely to smoke than Blacks or Hispanics, regardless of income, family structure, or age, although the differences were greater among the older teens. Teens from higher income homes were somewhat less likely to smoke, but among the high school students, neither income nor gender was related to smoking. Alcohol: Students living in single-parent homes were more likely to drink, regardless of age, income, or race/ethnicity. Among high school students, those from more affluent families tended to drink more, regardless of family structure or race/ethnicity. Weapon-related violence: Teens from more affluent homes were less involved with weapon-related violence regardless of family structure or race/ethnicity. Teens who lived with one parent and who were Black or Hispanic were more likely to be involved with weapons regardless of income. Girls were less likely to be involved in violence than boys, in middle school or high school. Suicide Risk: More affluent students, Black students, and those in two-parent homes were slightly less likely to consider or attempt suicide. Girls were more likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempts, in middle school and in high school. Sex: Teens from lower income families were more likely to report having sexual intercourse,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Factors that Lead to Teen Pregnancy1363 Words  | 6 PagesFactors that Lead to Teen Pregnancy Although the overall rate of teen pregnancy has been declining, the rates have remained high for teens that are most vulnerable. The great majority of Americans believe that teen pregnancies are a serious national problem, indeed a problem that is the major component of what is thought to be national moral decline. However, what causes these teens to become pregnant at such a young age? A large body of research has identified a number of factoresRead MoreHigh School Dating : A Not So Cinderella Story1077 Words  | 5 Pagesdistraction of relationship drama causes teenagers to focus less on things like school. This in turn will cause their grades to suffer. Lower grades mean a smaller chance of getting accepted into colleges, or receiving scholarships. Another problem is the emotional impacts of an ugly breakup. Impacts are long lasting at any age, but especially so in high school. This is because students are still developing. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that affected teens have a higher risk for eatingRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : A Social Issue1371 Words  | 6 PagesTeen pregnancy is a very controversial social issue and the vast majority of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiological ly capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a plethora of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of thisRead MoreDrug Abuse Essay1546 Words  | 7 PagesThesis: Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others. Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs, alcohol, or other substances as a means of coping with stress, peer influence, and failure of parents to prevent their children from making unreasonable decisions. According to the yearly â€Å"Monitoring the Future†survey of high school age teenagersRead MoreCauses Of Teen Pregnancy1232 Words  | 5 Pagescitizens. There is crime and violence everywhere, although it may not always be reported. The United States is no exception to this. They are number one for many issues. Among these is the U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rates. The causes of teen pregnancy in the United States today include substance abuse; broken homes; changes in society; and poor sexual education. For the most part, substance abuse is a leading cause of teen pregnancy. Those who abuse substances like drugs and alcohol do not haveRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Teenage Dating1512 Words  | 7 Pagessustaining a relationship over a period of time. Therefore, frequent break ups and arguments lead to attempts of suicide, teenage pregnancy, STD’s, teen violence, and substance abuse. This happens due to lack of experience and a broader understanding of what relationships are (Dasgupta, 2011). The problems of teen dating involving violence, sex, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide are primarily caused by stressful life events, peer influence, and failure of parents to take their children away fromRead MoreA Review of Three Articles on Domestic Violence Essay examples885 Words  | 4 PagesOne of the most overlooked forms of violence in today’s society is domestic violence. Domestic violence is most likely to occur behind closed doors, which is one of the main reasons why domestic violence is not given that much attention. In most cases domestic violence is the silent, ugly side of dating and people do not like to talk about it. Due to the fact that domestic violence is becoming more common over the years warrants more and more research to help with the ongoing problem. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;WhyRead MoreTeen Pregnancy947 Words  | 4 PagesFACT SHEET WORLD POPULATION DAY 11 JULY 2008 Young People and Family Planning: Teenage Pregnancy DEFINITION Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant. THE CURRENT SITUATION †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Half of the world’s population are under 25. Some 1.8 billion are aged 10-25, history’s largest generationRead MoreThe Epidemic of Teenagers Using Drugs1687 Words  | 7 PagesEpidemic of Teenagers Abusing Drugs Krystyn Romualdo COM/156 November 18, 2012 Jackie Hudspeth Jr The Epidemic of Teenagers Abusing Drugs To have known so many people that have struggled with drug addiction in their teenage years it has become very apparent what a vital time in one’s life it is to know the dangers of abusing drugs as a teenager. Even though not all teens abuse drugs, it is an epidemic in the United States because more teens are turning to drugs to escape or use out of boredomRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1341 Words  | 6 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a prominent dilemma in our nation because it continues to place adolescents into delinquency. According to the United States Health and Human Services, three out of ten American teen girls will become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of twenty. That is nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies in a year (1) (HHS Pg.2 2014). Also according to U.S. Department of State, teen pregnancy budgets the United States and tax payers approximately seven billion dollars annually (2)
The Nature Of The Earth - 930 Words
The earth is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful things that God has created. Creation is all around and is a testimony to all who see. Maintaining the earth is simple task that many have decided to do, this has created a large movement called environmentalism. The movement may put off many Christians, as it seems worldly in some sense. However, God has commanded that man â€Å"keep and dress†the earth in Genesis 2:15. This is one reason that Christians should have a hand in taking care of the creation that God has given. Christians can do many things to help in the preservation and restoration of the environment and should do so. God gives the account in Genesis of creation. God creates all that is on the earth in a few days before he created man. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the responsibility to rule over the earth and take care of it. The garden that God originally created was perfect and therefore, did not require much work. However, when man chose to sin, the earth was cursed as is told in Genesis 3. This curse caused thorns and thistles to grown and the earth was no longer perfect. God told Adam that through â€Å"painful toil†he would now eat (Genesis 3:17). The earth now required maintenance and man would have to take care of it in order to use the resources it provided. Since the fall, the earth is â€Å"polluted by its inhabitants†(Isaiah 24:5) and is â€Å"subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it†Show MoreRelatedNature Is A Product Of The Earth1002 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Coastlines are not found in nature; they are products of human initiative†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gillis 99). This quote said by John R. Gillis brings up a very important discussion. Are coastlines found in nature or have they been built into something we as humans wanted them to be? When the quote is first read, it may be easy to say of course coastlines exist in nature because they are nature. Although, when looking at it deeper one must ask what is the definition of nature. Nature is defined as the physical worldRead MoreThe Earth Is Destroying Nature4108 Words  | 17 PagesThe Earth has existed for billions of years, it is a habitable planet that supports life for billions of species. The earth is always on c onstant development to support the life living on earth. However, its development has been obstructed by mankind and its creations. In simple terms, mankind is destroying nature. Since the age of mankind existence, mankind has taken advantage of earth s natural resources for their own personal gain causing an imbalance within and around the earth. Mankind haveRead MoreThe Theory Of Earth s Human Nature1258 Words  | 6 Pagesstudy of Earth is essentially founded upon mankind’s human nature to fathom its origins. While it was formerly believed that intelligent life was distinctive to Earth, we have acquired an admiration that even though Earth is probably not singular, the reality of developed life on planets may considerably be unfamiliar. We have not yet recognized other stars that have planets similar to that of Earth, noting that none of the other planets possess compound, satisfactory life the way Earth can. ItRead MoreThe nature of humankind has been explored endless ly. Human nature is the strangest thing on earth.900 Words  | 4 Pages The nature of humankind has been explored endlessly. Human nature is the strangest thing on earth. Sometimes, some of them behave like they are the nicest and sometimes, at they are at their worst behavior. Human nature depends solely on the circumstances around them. Some chose to remain calm when they are in any trouble, but then at the same time, some chose to be aggressive. Some changes themselves according to the environment around them, yet some just chose to be how they are. Some choseRead MoreEarth art is the art of using nature and natural materials, like water, soil, rocks†¦etc. With this700 Words  | 3 PagesEarth art is the art of using nature and natural materials, like water, soil, rocks†¦etc. With this you can create anything from sculptures to landscape art in the open. The genre originally started in late 1960’s in the US. Artists were starting to protest against a rtificial and commercialized art. They want to do something that was big and unmovable; art that couldn’t be placed in museums. (Lanz, C.K) However, sometimes this would be contradicting, as people would pay a lot of money to buy the materialsRead MoreThe Good Mother By Ellen Cronan Rose1115 Words  | 5 PagesThe idea of Mother Earth is extremely empowering for women; most women believe that, right? Ellen Cronan Rose finds the idea of mother earth tremendously unempowering. Rose writes in her article â€Å"The Good Mother: from Gaia to Gilead†, that the imagery of mother earth is deeply problematic and is harmful to the feminist cause. This is a shocking view considering that most women don’t seem to have a problem with that idea. Ellen Cronan Rose states that the â€Å"mother earth†metaphor is harmful to theRead MoreWilfred Owen Relationship Between Humanity And Nature1472 Words  | 6 PagesWilfred Owen presents the fractured relationship betwee n humanity and nature in his Anthem for Doomed Youth poetry collection as the main casualty of war. To what extent do you agree? Wilfred Owen explores vividly throughout Anthem for Doomed Youth the relationship between man and nature as well as its development throughout the First World War. In the poems 1914, The show, and Spring offensive Owen emphasises that the negative impact the war has had to the previous harmony between the two is theRead MoreThe Holy Earth : Dominion Of Land Becomes Destructive1199 Words  | 5 PagesThe Holy Earth: Dominion of Land Becomes Destructive With the nation’s available farmland settled and its industrial economy rapidly expanding, many farmers worried that agriculture will be marginalized. From 1900- 1945 industrialist and businesses called for an efficient, scientific and large scale agriculture as a means of economic progression; however, Horticulturalist, Liberty Hyde Bailey, envisioned and updated agrarian culture, which is founded on values of community, conservation, appreciationRead MoreAn Open Letter to Roderick Nash on Island Civilization Essay829 Words  | 4 Pages A man named Robert Laughlin once said, The Earth is very old and has suffered grievously: volcanic explosions, floods, meteor impacts, mountain formation and yet all manner of other abuses greater than anything people could inflict. Yet, the Earth is still here. Its a survivor. Laughlin clearly believes in this quote that the Earth can take care of itself. The Earth has been through worse disasters than just pollution, and extinction of species and plants. Roderick Nash, an environmentalistRead MoreAnalysis William Cronans The Trouble with Wilderness1235 Words  | 5 Pagesindustrialization of the Earth has been one of the greatest changes the earth has undergone, surpassing in magnitude the numerous ice ages or massive extinctions. This industrialization prompted a large chunk of the Earths population to dwell in cities. As a result, much of the wide open spaces of nature were transformed into an environment dominated by buildings and congested with roads and people. It is then no surprise that humans separate themselves from nature and expect nature to be pristine.
Why do people committ crime Free Essays
The three classifications I believe then can be placed into are biological, psychological and sociological. I personally think people commit crimes for a variety of reasons: peer pressure, opportunity, greed, poor moral Judgment and character; They fail to see the benefits of adhering to the law conventional social values; The opinion that everyone commits some type of crime; The more that society perceive a particular criminal behavior as reasonable or acceptable, the less likely that It will be considered evil two prime examples are the legalization of marijuana. r prohibition. We will write a custom essay sample on Why do people committ crime or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is it biological, hereditary is it in our genes? Is it psychological or due to traits in our personality? Is it due to solicitation – do we learn it, from other people? Is it explained by our bonds to society? Is it because of where you were raised; or is it because of imbalances In our society? Does a lack of religious morals have anything to do with It? I have always been fascinated with why people commit crime in our society we can answer who, what, when and where but the last question why usually goes unanswered and drives us mad! The first category Is biological I know most- illogical theories have faded as society becomes more enlightened. I am saying brain damage, bad genetics, poor diet, and gender. Males are the predominate class of criminal offenders due to aggressive behavior that is encouraged in our society. While I believe some crimes are caused by biological imbalances, I believe there has to be a tipping point from society. The opportunity the victim the time and place and an imbalance in the odds which favor success. Like most detectives, I find the study of psychology of criminal behavior fascinating and the most-dangerous kind of rimming. This leads us to the second part of my theory. The second category I will put forward Is psychological. I think this class or reason to commit a crime Is the worst and most dangerous. I place psychopath and sociopaths in this category. I put people who are Impulsive enjoy the power of controlling others these criminals get a rush of adrenaline high. Serial killers and rapist fall Into this category. Most of these people are loners whether it is due to the nature or nurture. I become criminals. The last category on the list is sociological. I think where you grow p and your socioeconomic status, peer pressure and education make a great deal of difference in whether an individual will become a criminal. Gang fall into this category, petty crime I personally think our prison system makes this worse because all it does is make better criminals. I think most criminals start in this class. This leads me to my theory. My theory after a lifetime in criminal Justice and my education in college is very simple old Caesar Baccarat had it right people weigh the good against the bad, in other words, is a crime worth the time. It all boils down to personal choice. How to cite Why do people committ crime, Essays
Assessment Of Environmental Risk - Free Sample For Students
Question: Identify and briefly analyse the risks in a case study? Assessment of Environmental Risk An article Environmental Risk Assessment of Ivermectin: A Case Study has been chosen for assessing environmental risk in this paper. The article was published in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management in the year 2010. The authors of this article had carried out an environmental risk assessment by following the international as well as European guideline. The major aim of this study is to explore the impact of specific harmful compound: Ivermectin. It is a veterinary parasiticide and it is chosen as the compound for this case study within the project of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals (ERAPharm) (Liebig et al., 2010). It has been observed that the potential environmental risk associated with the veterinary medicinal products has received concern much before than that for the human medicinal products. The major reason is the impact of the veterinary medicinal product is more severe compared to the human medical products. It is evident that the veterinary medicinal products reach soils directly and quickly than the human medicinal products. The reason is that veterinary medical products for example, ecto and endoparasiticides are applied in order to pasture the animals regularly. It has been an important factor for supporting the livestock. The residues of veterinary medicinal products easily reach the soil through three routes. The direct route is via feces and there are two indirect paths, through spreading the manure or via wash off from the applied products. According to Boxall et al, (2004), veterinary medical products mostly act as biocides. It means they tend to act on the target organisms, f or example, bacteria, invertebrates etc. Hence, the veterinary medical products can be compared with the pesticides and other biocidal products. As veterinary medicinal products act as pesticide, it leads to environmental problems. However, there is a difference between the pesticide and the veterinary medical products. Pesticides are generally released in the environment directly as the parent compound. On the other hand, veterinary medical products are released as a mixture of the parent compound and the metabolites. This paper has focused on conducting a research study for the parasiticide Ivermectin for assessing the environmental impact. The environmental risk assessment of Ivermectin was performed by complying with the international guidelines and the findings of the assessment can be considered as authentic for reaching conclusion. The results of the assessment have demonstrated that Ivermectin is compound which causes risk for the surface water, sediment and dung (Edward et al, 2001). It has been found that the risk is very high for the aquatic compartment due to the extremely high level of toxicity of the Ivermectin which affects the daphnids. Moreover, Ivermectin creates a long term impact in the low pictograms-per-liter range. Risk was indicated for the fish but the study was not adequate for measuring the risk implication of Ivermectin on fish. Hence, in case of the aquatic species Ivermectin has high risk for the daphinds (Garric et al., 2007). From the toxicity test it was identified that risk is associated with the sediment. The test was performed on the organisms of the sediment and it indicted potential risk. Especially, it recognized high level of risk for D. magna. Due to inadequate information it was not possible to assess risk for all organisms and impact of Ivermectin for every stage of life. For example, it failed to study the effect of Ivermectin on the early life stages of fish. It has been found that there is no risk for soil and its organisms such as earthworms, plants, collembolans etc. in case of the sediment potential risk was observed in the three phases of the study. In case of surface water and its organisms, strong conclusion can be drawn only for the daphnia and significant risk has been identified for daphnia. In case of fish, potential risk was indentified in the initial phases. However, due to absence of adequate data, no conclusion can be drawn. Algae are one of the important organisms of surface w ater and it has been found that no risk is associated with use of Ivermectin. From the research findings, it can be implied that significant risk is associated with the organisms of dung. For example, dung beetles and dung flies are exposed to significant risk (Liebig et al., 2010). In the following table risk level for various organisms studied in this research or case study to explore the risk associated with use of Ivermectin: Organism Risk level at Phase 2A Initial PEC Risk level at Phase 2A Refined PEC Risk level at Phase 2B Refined PEC Surface Water Algae No risk No risk No risk Daphnia High Risk High Risk High Risk Fish Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Data Inadequate Soil Earthworm No Risk No Risk No Risk Plant No Risk No Risk No Risk Collembolans No Risk No Risk No Risk Dung Dung Beetle Risk Risk Risk Dung Fly Risk Risk Risk (Evident from the field study) Sediment Chironomids High Risk High Risk High Risk Benthic Communities High Risk High Risk High Risk This study has helped to explore the negative impact of the veterinary medical products by assessing the risk associated with Ivermectin. The study was done for assessing the impact of Ivermectin on the routes which helps to reach the compound to the soil and other elements which get in touch with Ivermectin (Jensen, Diao and Hansen, 2009). Surface water, sediment, soil and dung were studied along with its organisms to find the impact of Ivermectin. From the study, it can be concluded that soil and its organisms remain unaffected. In surface water daphnia is exposed to high level of risk. Organisms of dung and sediments are also exposed to high risk. References Boxall, A., Fogg, L., Blackwell, P., Blackwell, P., Kay, P., Pemberton, E. and Croxford, A. (2004). Veterinary medicines in the environment.Springer, pp.1--91. Edwards, C., Atiyeh, R. and Rombke, J. (2001). Environmental impact of avermectins.Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 171, pp.111--138. Garric, J., Vollat, B., Duis, K., P'ery, A., Junker, T., Ramil, M., Fink, G. and Ternes, T. (2007). Effects of the parasiticide ivermectin on the cladoceran i Daphnia magna and the green alga i Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata.Chemosphere, 69(6), pp.903--910. Jensen, J., Diao, X. and Hansen, A. (2009). Single-and two-species tests to study effects of the anthelmintics ivermectin and morantel and the coccidiostatic monensin on soil invertebrates.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28(2), pp.316--323. Liebig, M., Fernandez, ., Bl"ubaum-Gronau, E., Boxall, A., Brinke, M., Carbonell, G., Egeler, P., Fenner, K., Fernandez, C., Fink, G. and others, (2010). Environmental risk assessment of ivermectin: a case study.Integrated environmental assessment and management, 6(S1), pp.567--587.
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