Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Understand How to Create Inclusive Learning in Lifelong Learning
|Unit Number: |CU3813: Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in LL | |Summary/Introduction: |The roles and responsibilities of a teacher in the sector of a lifelong learning are the key relationship | | |between the learner and the teacher, the teacher is endeavoured to treat each learner has an individual, | | |practising equality and diversity among the learners always.Having effectiveness of a good communication skill,| | |and the importance of self-evaluation and feedback. The use of the training circle and the Learning Styles | | |(VAK). The completion of attendance records, induction of learner for the course to identify their learning | | |style, which would, helps a teacher to plan the session more effectively, to be able to know the learners | | |learning styles, a learning styles test or skill scan needs to be carried out on the learner.After obtain the | | |learning style, boundaries and ground rules are established between learner and teacher to know their limit. | | |Having a duty of care for the learner, carrying out a one-one feedback with learners where needs arise. | | |Maintaining a record of the learners’ progress.Referring learners to others when necessary. Be aware of the | | |different types of levels of learning, the need of a good verbal skill, intellectual skill, cognitive strategies| | |and a good attitude towards the learners and the organisation. |Learning Outcome 1: |Understand own role and responsibilities in LL | |AC 1: | Aspects of Legislation and code of practice are: | |Summarise key aspects of |Equal opportunities 2000: | |legislation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. |Learners must be treated as individual regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, | | |sex, civil partnership, age.Treating each learner fairly and according to their needs. Rights for learner to be| | |able to attend and participate in any session. These differences create productive environments where everyone | | |feels valued, talent s are fully utilised and organisational goals are met. | | |Data Protection act: | | |Processing of learners information to be kept under confidentiality, not to be disclosed to another party. | |Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date where necessary. Personal data shall be processed in | | |accordance with the right of the data under the act 1998. | | |Health and safety act 1974: | | |The responsibility to be able to protect yourself and all others around you, who may be affected, Learners are | | |entitled to learn in a safe environment.And be aware of rights as an employee to the employer. | | | | |AC 2: |Responsibilities in promoting equalities and valuing diversity; always treat the learner has an individual with | |Analyse own responsibility in |different needs and abilities, each learner is entitled to be treated with adequate respect and dignity, | |promoting equality and valuing |ensuring equal support to all learners and no favouritism, ensuring equal access o pportunities to learners to | |diversity. |fully participate in the learning process.Ensuring the policies, procedures and processes are not | | |discriminating. Learners may come to an educational organisation and therefore act differently in this | | |environment from the way they would at school, all must be treated and according to various needs. Teacher has | | |to be Honest, not to say you don’t know something, but better to say I will find out, communicating effectively;| | |involving learner activity and listening to what they have to say.Giving constructive and positive feedback | | |(University of Edinburgh). | |AC 3: | Areas of work: Health and Social care. Roles of learning are; Preparing the material according to the syllabus,| |Evaluate own role and |Following ethics and values, keeping records of learners’ progress, carrying our one to one feedback/tutorials | |responsibilities in lifelong |with learners.Maintaining confidentiality and a positive learnin g experience. Applying lifelong learning skills| |learning. |obtained, Developing skills by outdating and regularly. When applied to benefit the organisation goals, e. g. | | |Customer service, good telephone manner, be a people person, listening and customer satisfaction been met. | | |Identify needs and deficits, working towards it. Gram training| | |PowerPoint) | |AC 4: | The organisation must provide a syllabus to use, to develop the course content on the subject to be taught, the| |Review own role and |learners needs should start from skill scan, induction/interviews, to be able to identify their styles, needs, | |responsibilities in identifying|and potentials.And be able to identify the level of assessment they are able to learn. Set a time with | |and meeting the needs of |organisation to review the learning plan, with this learning plan to set a target with supervisor, keeping | |learners. |records (portfolio) of the life long learning, having a mentor to meet regularly. Kn owing your learning styles,| | |to be able to identify weakness and strengths and devise a plan on how to improve it.This plan has to be | | |measurable, realistic and achievable, Facilitating learning in a conducive environment, been a facilitator makes| | |learning enjoyable for the learner. ( Gravells A Simpson S 2008) | |Learning Outcome 2: |Understanding the relationships between teachers and other professionals in Lifelong Learning. |AC 1:Analyse the boundaries |Every organisation has professional boundaries within to work, and it’s a tutor duty to abide by the | |between the teaching role and |organisation rules, been. Unprofessional. i. e.. been too familiar with the learner. In the teaching role, | |other professional roles |ground rules are made and all learners are required to work within it, its makes the learner to know their | | |limit, their routine and be organised.In adult learning there are responsibilities to learning by them self, | | |learning by observat ion, discovery, evidence-based and trial by error. Contract is drawn between learner and | | |teacher, which could consist of a learning duration of 12 weeks, 1years etc. A module is followed, either theory| | |based or practical or combined. Ability and competences is required. Belbin 1996) | |AC 2: Review points of referral|Individual learning: teaching on a one-one basis, learner may respond differently then when learning within a | |to meet the needs of learners |group. A learner can be referred to another professional, if learning needs are not met in the one-one | | |learning. When learners are not responding to teaching, or the resources been used are not fully utilised. | |Explaining to learner that the other professional is more specialised in the learners learning styles. | | |(Daines JW 2006) | |AC3:Evaluate own |As a teacher working, within a value base organisation with a code of professional practice, set by an external | |responsibilities in relation to|body. hen teac hing value must be added to get a good outcome, remaining professional and retain self respected,| |other professionals |been passionate about the course been taught, Helping to motivate the learners and their learning experiences,| | |not only are they learning the subject but, they are also observing the way the teacher is been conducted, | | |composed, dresses, responds to feedback and support them. Identifying their needs, planning, designing, | | |facilitating, and evaluating their learning plan and styles. Reece, walker, 2007) (Gravells, Simpson | | |2008) | |Learning Outcome 3: |Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment | |AC 1:Explain how to establish |Suitable/Safe learning environment; | |and maintain a safe and |Preparing the presentation in advance. | |supportive learning environment|Setting up the room according to delivery method. | |Ensuring the venue has accessible facilities, (toilets, refreshments areas, fire exit and evacuation procedures,| | |and ventilated room). | | |Considering flexible breaks and other individual needs are met, informing learner how long the break is. | | |Informing learners the importance of learning and how what they are learning has value and meaning, giving | | |precise targets of the subject and summarising occasionally. | |Making learning interactive, by giving groups discussions, role-play. | | |Introducing yourself, and getting to know your learner by name. | | |Informing learner on any useful resource material they might need. | | |Making special requirement is any of the learners has Disabilities. | | |(Learning and skills network lsneducation. org. k) | |AC 2:Explain how to promote |Appropriate behaviour between learner and teacher must be addressed immediately with the learner, informing the | |appropriate behaviour and |learner of the ground rules and boundaries and the reasons for instigating the rules, for the learners to know | |respect for others |their li mits. Learners should be engaged in an activity relating to the session to avoid boredom and class | | disruption. group discussions or role play among one another make the learner more interactive and focus, having| | |a one-one session with them to improve working as a team and good feedback being professional always, whatever | | |the feedback good or bad. Having a positive approach towards the learner and self, not losing temper at the | | |learner staying in a relaxed and positive manner. National programme for specialists of behaviour and | | |attendance) | | |(Wallace 2007) | |Evaluation: |What Have I learnt? | |The use of Planning in advance all materials needed, Identifying the needs of the learner, Facilitating the | | |learners learning styles; giving clear and precise instruction and summarising the subject regularly, | | |encouraging the learner to ask questions, treating each of the learners has individuals.Assessing the learners | | |at the end of the session or duri ng the session, to ensure they have learnt the knowledge and skills. Feedback| | |from the learners to ensure how to deliver next sessions. Taking into account equality, entitlements, | | |inclusively and diversity of all learners, always having a positive and professional attitude, most importantly | | |Listening to learner, having eye contact.Making sure the Aim of teaching is delivered and reflected on the | | |sessions to develop future delivery. | |Bibliography |What text have I researched or used to answer the assessment criteria? | | |Books | | |Berlin M, Team Roles at work, (1996) | | |Gravells A, Simpson S, Planning andEnabling in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters. (2008). | | |Daines JW, Adult Learning, Adult Teaching, (2006) | | |Reece I, Walker S, Teaching, Training and Learning, (2007) | | |Wallace S, Achieving QTLS: Teaching, tutoring and training in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 3rd edition. (2007). | |Gram Training, PowerPoint (Handout), July (2012) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Websites | | |City & Guilds – www. cityandguilds. com | | |City & Guilds 7303 – www. anqdevelopment. co. uk | | |Educational sites and resources – www. support4learning. org. uk | | |Learning and Skills Network – www. lsneducation. org. k | | |National Programme for specialists of Behaviour and Attendance – www. teachernet. gov. uk | | |University of Edinburgh – www. ed. ac. uk | | |GSS Training – www. gsslimited. co. uk | | |Ask Jeeves – www. ask. com | | | |
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