Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Equality for All Gay Marriage Essay - 1430 Words
Throughout time, many have fought for the rights they believed they deserved and those guaranteed by the constitution. With each of these battles, those seen as â€Å"below the majority†were usually victorious. With that said, there is an inevitable future for the homosexual community to be eventually equal to everyone else. The question remains, what justifies the right for a gay couple to have the same benefits as a heterosexual couple? Gay marriage has been a wide spread issue for quite a bit of time and multiple arguments have been made as to why it should not occur, but none of them stand valid against rights provided by the constitution. Many individuals are quite passionate about the issue whether it is in hopes to get a law passed†¦show more content†¦Gay rights have been in discussion since the beginning of time, but have recently become more popularized in the mid twentieth century (Garnett, Richard W., Michael J Pery, and Marc O. DeGirolami). At first, the topic of how it is a sin for two people of the same gender to interact in a sexual and/or romantic manner was only within religion. As time progressed, organizations for gay rights began to appear and with that, both sides started to make their arguments more public. The two groups involved would be those who engage in any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with another person of the same gender is regarded as homosexual (gay is typically used for guys and lesbian for girls) and those who have romantic or sexual relationships with someone of the opposite gender which are referred to as being heterosexual. The fight is not necessarily between those who are homosexual and those who are heterosexual, but between those who are homosexual and their supporters against those who are against it. The debate mainly surrounds whether or not gay couples should get the privilege to marry and if they should have the same marital benefits given to heterosexual couples. Typically, religious Catholics view homosexual relations as a sin and therefore oppose the legalization of gay marriage. Although it goes against their beliefs, if gay couples are able to wed it would not crucially influence their lives. If gay marriage were not legal, it wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1749 Words  | 7 PagesThe Legalization of Gay Marriage: A Step to Equality Imagine a world where heterosexuals are the minority. Straight people would be the ones fighting for the same rights as homosexuals. Same-sex marriages would be average and normal, while straight marriages would be frowned upon and considered unholy in the eyes of religion. 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The amount of same-sex couples in Australia increased by 32% from 2006 to 2011 and 70% of the Australian nation believe that Australia should allow the right to same-sex marriage. Before the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 by the Howard Government, there was no previous definition of Marriage in the 1961 Act and the definition was based on commonRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal930 Words  | 4 PagesGallup poll shows that support for same sex marriage in the U.S. has hit an all-time high of 55%. Whether or not Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry has been a hot topic of debate over the past few years. Although support for the right of same sex marriage has gained massive amounts of attention from the media in resent months, not all are in favor of the almost undeniable and unavoidable changes to the laws restricting these types of marriages. 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Due to religion and rights people across the nation have differing views and opinions of it.In a fi ve to four vote in the Supreme Court gay marriage became legalized in all fifty states. Shortly after that a few marriage officiators and marriage licenses peopleRead MoreGay Marriage Should Remain Legal in California998 Words  | 4 Pages(Murphy). Although marriage between same-sex marriages interferes with the traditional purpose of marriage, procreation; gay marriage should remain legal in California because it justifies equality by allowing them to be socially accepted in society, it creates equality economically for taxes and finances, and reiterates that religious beliefs in all faiths should not dictate society. The traditional purpose of a marriage is procreation. Many people fear that same-sex marriages will interfere with
Sunday, December 22, 2019
According To An Article In Usa Today, “Illegal Immigration
According to an article in USA today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration population declines†Thomas Frank writes, â€Å"The number of illegal immigrants in the USA fell for the first time in at least four years, as the nations tough economy discourages people from sneaking into the USA†. Illegal immigration has been on an all time rise for the last 4 to five years, as the nations economy struggles to stay out of a depression. I believe illegal immigration has a great effect on how the economy is doing. It cost the nation millions and billions of dollars to pay for the problems that also come with illegal immigration. One large problem is the smuggling of drugs and other illegal things that come over are borders, with an already rising problem with gangs and†¦show more content†¦The final and one of the worst problems that comes with illegal immigration is the fact that many of these immigrants will work for less than minimum wage. The why this is a problem is because t here is a reason for minimum wage in this country so that everyone gets somewhat of a honest pay for a days work but when an illegal immigrant will work for nothing then greedy employers will hire these immigrants so they can make more money off there business illegally. This also takes jobs away from U.S. citizens who want to work for an honest days pay. With the United States rising unemployment rates we can not afford to give jobs out to people that are here illegally. Illegal immigration devastates our economy in the United States in all of these ways and makes it harder for the honest citizens of the United States to live in there own country. Many people may argue that the United States was founded and built on immigration but the country was not built on illegal immigration. The united states already allow immigrants into our country legally. There is no good that comes out of illegal immigration because there is no moderation of it we are just having a free for all at the bo rders and there fore letting criminals and maybe even terrorist into the United States illegally and un-detected. I think that one of the mainShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Over Illegal Immigrants1594 Words  | 7 Pagesour government giving false reassurance concerning the risk of infectious diseases being spread by illegal immigrants? Are they basing our risk of infection on another country study results who â€Å"closely matches our TB program? Has the debate and concern over illegal immigrants in the United States sparked fears among health authorities about the spread of tuberculosis? According to a medical news article entitled, History of Tuberculosis, â€Å"Tuberculosis has around since ancient times, it existed 15,000Read MoreThe Language of the Land: Learn It or Leave Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagesso called free country. The problem with this belief is that due to the lack of English speaking immigrants, Americas under-class is growing rapidly, because language barriers create obstacles in the pursuit of higher paying positions. According to an article in ProEnglish, an organization in support of English as our common language, in 2005, millions of immigrants cannot find good-paying jobs because of their lack of ability to speak English with customers, co-workers and employers (Why OfficialRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The Act Of Migrating Across A National Border1310 Words  | 6 Pages By its nature, illegal immigration is hard to measure and control. But to fully understand the solutions and properly analyze them; the origin, causes, and effects must be clear. Illegal immigration is the act of migrating across a national border without a legalized permission from the target country. Illegal immigration has long been a problem in the USA since the latter half of the 20th century. In spite of all the laws that was issued the door was left open especially for the Mexican immigrantsRead More American Citizenship and Immigration Essay1597 Words  | 7 PagesToday the Society is split into three separately minded groups. In no specific ordering, the first is determined to believe that any one person born in the United States is a citizen and which means their parents should become citizens along with them. These are the ones whom obtain â€Å"birthright citizenship†(Raul). The second are firm believers in the only ones that should be citizens are the ones who go through the proper process of becoming a citizen and according to the article in â€Å"USA todayRead MoreEffects of Immigration on the Economy Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pages| Illegal Immigrants Are They A Stress On Our Economy. | | | Joanna Przyborski | 10/27/2012 | | Illegal immigration is an issue that has been highly debated in the United States for decades, and the effects of these immigrants will be for many to come, especially with the country in a recession and many people in economic trouble. December 1, 2008 the National Bureau of Economic Research officially declared the U.S. in a recession. Before 2007, U.S. economy has grown inRead MoreIllegal Immigrants1298 Words  | 6 PagesFebruary 27, 2012 The Benefits of Illegal Immigrants Are illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants beneficial to America’s economy? Most illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States (U.S.) economy. Illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States economy because they increase our tax revenue, they add to our social security, and they also increase our employment rates.†In 2000, statistics revealed 8.7 million illegal immigrants resided in the United States†Read MoreBorder Security Deal Boosts Immigration Bill Prospects Essay2075 Words  | 9 PagesAlan, G., USA, T. (n.d): Border-security deal boosts immigration bill prospects. usa today. In this article, the author have related how to reinforce the U.S border from the inflow of illegal immigrants from Mexico and regularized those immigrants who already live in U.S .The worries that bill devoted be used to provide more manpower, fencing and technology on the border with Mexico is minimized. The U.S decision makers are divided about illegal immigration issue .One group decides to investRead MoreImmigration, America s Advantage By Lee Habeeb And Mike Leven1590 Words  | 7 Pagesthe issue of immigration. Legal immigration is a great benefit to our society, and if we can control and harness immigration, it will better our country for years to come. While illegal immigration is an enormous problem that needs to be solved, legal immigration is a great asset to our economy and American society as a whole. In their commentary, â€Å"Immigration, America’s Advantage†, Lee Habeeb and Mike Leven make several interesting statements. They spend the first part of the article describingRead MoreThe United States Immigration System1493 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States’ immigration system has several flaws that no one seems to know how to address. There have been several attempts to correct these flaws like accommodating immigrants with the Dream Act and trying to eliminate illegal entries into the U.S by spending billions of dollars on border patrol. However, there are flaws in those attempts also. For example, according to Daniel Gonzalez, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients are having a hard time finding jobs and, in someRead MoreIn Search of a Dream Essay1372 Words  | 6 Pagesdemanding and better paying job. Yet, in 2003 the labor of undocumented workers gave $7 billion in taxes into Social Security but they cannot claim those officiall y. Illegal immigrants in the U.S. cannot access public services easily and because of their illegal status they have to restrict some activities from their lives. Many illegal workers ignore the fact that they actually have rights, even though they are not citizens and that deprives them from living a better life. In part, this is the result
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Warriors of Ancient Sparta Free Essays
The Warriors of Ancient Sparta Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an ancient Greek city-state located primarily in the present-day region of southern Greece called Laconia. Life was very different in ancient Sparta than it was in the rest of ancient Greek city-states. The Spartans were proud, tierce, capable warriors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Warriors of Ancient Sparta or any similar topic only for you Order Now No great works ot art came out ot Sparta. But the Spartans, both men and women, were tough, and the Greeks admired strength. The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartlates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither laves nor citizens. The Perioeci, whose name means â€Å"dwellers-around,†worked as craftsmen and traders, and built weapons for the Spartans. In Greek mythology the founder ot the city was Lacedaemon, a son ot Zeus, who gave hls name to the region and his wife’s name to the city. Sparta was also an Important member of the Greek force which fought In the Trojan War. Indeed, the Spartan king Menelaos started the war after the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped his wife Helen, offered to Paris by the goddess Aphrodite as a prize for choosing her in a beauty contest against fellow oddesses Athena and Hera. Helen was said to have been the most beautiful woman In Greece and Spartan women In general enjoyed a reputation not only tor good looks but also spirited Independence. All healthy male Spartan citizens participated In the mandatory state-sponsored education system, the Agoge, which emphasized obedience, endurance, courage and self-control, but more on that later. Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived together well into adulthood. A Spartan was taught that loyalty to the state came before everything else, including nes tamlly. The Helots, whose name means â€Å"captives,†were fellow creeks, orlglnally from Laconia and Messenia, who had been taken over by the Spartans and turned Into slaves. The Spartans’ way of life would not have been possible without the Helots, who did all the day-to-day tasks and unskilled labor required to keep society going: They were domestic servants, farmers, military attendants and nurses. Unlike such Greek city-states as Athens, a center for the arts, learning and philosophy. Sparta was tocused on a warrior culture. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one ccupation: to be a solider. This lifestyle began early. Spartan boys started their military training at age 7, when they left home and entered the Agoge. The boys lived collectively under grim conditions. They were subjected to continual physical competitions (which could involve violence), given little to no rations and expected to become skilled at stealing food, among other survival skills Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them cruelly and repressively In an ettort to prevent uprisings. Spartans would humiliate the Helots by doing such things as orcing them to get drunk on wine and then make fools of themselves In public. (This practice was also intended to demonstrate to young people how an adult Spartan should never act, as self-control was a prized trait. Methods of abuse could be far more extreme: Spartans were allowed to kill Helots for being too smart or too fit, among other reasons. The teenage boys who demonstrated the most leadership potential were selected for participation In the cryptela, which acted as a secret murder those who were troublemakers. At age 20, Spartan males became full-time oldiers, and remained on active duty until age 60. The Spartans’ constant military drilling and discipline made them skilled at the ancient Greek style of fghting in a phalanx formation. In the phalanx, the army worked as a unit in a close, deep formation, and made coordinated mass maneuvers. No one soldier was considered superior to another. Going into battle, a Spartan soldier, or hoplite, wore a large bronze helmet, breastplate and ankle guards, and carried a round shield made of bronze and wood, a long spear and sword. Spartan warriors were also known for their long hair and red cloaks. Spartan women had a reputation for being independent-minded, and enjoyed more freedoms and power than their counterparts throughout ancient Greece. While they played no role in the military, female Spartans often received a formal education, although separate from boys and not at boarding schools. In part to attract mates, females engaged in athletic competitions, including Javelin-throwing and wrestling, and also sang and danced competitively. As adults, Spartan women were allowed to own and manage property. Additionally, they were typically unencumbered by domestic responsibilities such as ooking, cleaning and making clothing, tasks which were handled by the helots. How to cite The Warriors of Ancient Sparta, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Effectiveness of Consumer Behaviour Towards Grocery Brands
Question: Discuss about theEffectiveness of Consumer Behaviour Towards Grocery Brands. Answer: Business Research Topic The business research topic that has been evaluated in this business proposal is the effectiveness of consumer behavior towards grocery brands in the UK. United Kingdom being one of the most influential in the retail market has significantly owned huge business transactions that has vitalized and improved the private sector of the United Kingdoms business economy (Zaidi and Othman, 2015). In this research proposal the major focus is on the case study of Aldi. Aldi is one of the most famous retail chain stores that compete with the likes of Walmart and Tesco. In this proposal the basic research is evaluated about the case study of Aldi analysing the prolific opportunity a techniques that would analyse the business operations of the organization (Walsh et al. 2016). Research Question/Problem Statement The problem statement that is going to be discussed in this proposal is analysing the case study of Aldi. Aldi have had a significant effect on the business economy of United Kingdom irrespective of the cultural, geographical and livelihood aspects etc (Tipple, 2006). It is quite tough to have a comprehensive evaluation of the problem statement and provide a significant analysis of the impact on the Aldi scenario. Thus, this research proposal prolifically aims to analyse the research questions on which the paper focuses on: Analyzing and evaluating the performance of Aldi in the UK economy Identifying the competition level with the competitors like Walmart and Tesco Investigation of the key determinants that evaluates the business operations of Aldi Research Methodology The entire research proposal has been outlined relying on the secondary data that prolifically includes online journals, text books by different authors and articles that are published on the institutional websites. Most of the data are accessed via the official website of Aldi along with the private sector reports. The research that has been evaluated in this significant research proposal is the methodological triangulation that prolifically indulges both the quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The research has been evaluated on relying on the primary resources which will be enabled to interview various research analysts from the UK (Thomas, 2015). The European Union and United Kingdom has been the major protagonist by providing a major questionnaire that would analyse the qualitative analysis, which will significantly provide an actual trend of the determinants of Aldi and its effects. In designing the research on this significant topic, retrospective study, which is also termed as trend studies that enables to look back in time for evaluating the events and analyse the prolific trend in it. The non probability as well as the probability method of sampling is used for providing a significant approach to every step that is taken into consideration in this research proposal. The data that has been collected or collected will be categorized in two categories and the trend will be extracted from the sampling methods. Research Process The research process is evaluated based on the research area, i.e. analysing a case study of Aldi. The research proposal has been selected based on personal and professional interests formulating the major aim of the proposal to evaluate the key prospects about the business operations of Aldi and investigating the problem statement. The entire hypothesis have been developed in several attempts to critically evaluate the research questions and research process. Qualitative and quantitative analysis gas been utilized to process the research analysis by using the various data collection methods as well as analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the primary and secondary data collection methods and in depth analysis (Sekaran and Bougie, 2013). The major significance of the research process of the paper is to provide a strategic analysis that would provide a clear investigation on the insight of Aldis case study. Data Collection With the final objective of this examination, it is required that both the key and helper are assembled and separated. The explanation behind data social event is to give speedier comprehension to the middle subjects associated with this particular investigation. The vital data required for this examination would be assembled from the overall public concerning the investigation point. The data may be assembled at a meeting where the declarations given the meeting would cross examined with the survey the subject had disentangled out remembering the finished objective to recognize the uniqueness in the thought plans and the assortment happening at different periods of considering (Hirsh, 2008). The secondary data is required to be accumulated from journals, scholarly articles, and government records remembering the final objective to get the cautious figures and numbers which would be difficult to get through vital means (Malik, 2012). A broad part of the data social event would be established on the helper sort of data collection as this would require serious examination on the substance of the articles, journals, and volumes got from Government archives. Data Analysis Data examination will require attentive examination of each of the data assembled from the vital and discretionary data sources (Lim and Ting, 2013). The data would then be analyzed painstakingly with a particular final objective to take in each of the tiny variables obtained from the vital and secondary data gathering sources remembering the finished objective to choose the object of the examination. Additionally, the data will be substantiated and cross-referenced totally with a particular deciding objective to offer authenticity to the results. Research Outcomes The research is prolifically outlines to evaluate the key business aspects of Aldi analyzing a significant case study of Aldi. The basic outcomes of the research are to critically establish the final objectives and the problem statement that is mentioned above. The major outcome of the research proposal is to significantly evaluate the competition level, the determinants of the business operations of Aldi etc (McGee, 2007). It will also provide an overview about the major research on the data that has been collected as well as analyzed for deciding the authenticity to evaluate the final objective from cultural aspects, geographical aspects and livelihood aspects. The outcomes of the research are to sustain and finalize the crucial aspect of the case study of Aldi. References: Hirsh, H. (2008) Data mining research: Current status and future opportunities, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 1(2), pp. 104107 Lim, W. M. and Ting, D. H. (2013) Research methodology: A toolkit of sampling and data analysis techniques for quantitative research. United States: Grin Verlag Malik, M.B. (2012) Extensions and developments on the Schilling and dodge mixed dependent acceptance sampling plans, Statistical Methodology, 9(4), pp. 486489. McGee, P. (2007) Ethical issues in data collection: A commentary, Research Ethics, 3(3), pp. 8990 Sekaran, U. S. and Bougie, R. (2013) Research methods for business: A skill-building approach. 6th edn. United States: John Wiley Sons Thomas, J. A. (2015) Using unstructured diaries for primary data collection, Nurse Researcher, 22(5), pp. 2529 Tipple, G. (2006) Employment and work conditions in home-based enterprises in four developing countries: Do they constitute decent work?, Work, Employment Society, 20(1), pp. 167179. Walsh, G., Walgenbach, P., Evanschitzky, H. and Schaarschmidt, M. (2016) Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?, Journal of Organisational Transformation Social Change, 13(1), pp. 525 Zaidi, M.F.A. and Othman, S.N. (2015) Organisational capabilities, environmental turbulence, and NPD performance: A study on Malaysian manufacturing firms, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172(4), pp. 286293
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