Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Equality for All Gay Marriage Essay - 1430 Words
Throughout time, many have fought for the rights they believed they deserved and those guaranteed by the constitution. With each of these battles, those seen as â€Å"below the majority†were usually victorious. With that said, there is an inevitable future for the homosexual community to be eventually equal to everyone else. The question remains, what justifies the right for a gay couple to have the same benefits as a heterosexual couple? Gay marriage has been a wide spread issue for quite a bit of time and multiple arguments have been made as to why it should not occur, but none of them stand valid against rights provided by the constitution. Many individuals are quite passionate about the issue whether it is in hopes to get a law passed†¦show more content†¦Gay rights have been in discussion since the beginning of time, but have recently become more popularized in the mid twentieth century (Garnett, Richard W., Michael J Pery, and Marc O. DeGirolami). At first, the topic of how it is a sin for two people of the same gender to interact in a sexual and/or romantic manner was only within religion. As time progressed, organizations for gay rights began to appear and with that, both sides started to make their arguments more public. The two groups involved would be those who engage in any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with another person of the same gender is regarded as homosexual (gay is typically used for guys and lesbian for girls) and those who have romantic or sexual relationships with someone of the opposite gender which are referred to as being heterosexual. The fight is not necessarily between those who are homosexual and those who are heterosexual, but between those who are homosexual and their supporters against those who are against it. The debate mainly surrounds whether or not gay couples should get the privilege to marry and if they should have the same marital benefits given to heterosexual couples. Typically, religious Catholics view homosexual relations as a sin and therefore oppose the legalization of gay marriage. Although it goes against their beliefs, if gay couples are able to wed it would not crucially influence their lives. If gay marriage were not legal, it wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1749 Words  | 7 PagesThe Legalization of Gay Marriage: A Step to Equality Imagine a world where heterosexuals are the minority. Straight people would be the ones fighting for the same rights as homosexuals. Same-sex marriages would be average and normal, while straight marriages would be frowned upon and considered unholy in the eyes of religion. Heterosexuals would be denied service at restaurants because of their sexuality, they would be called derogatory names while holding their partner’s hand and most importantlyRead MoreEssay on Marriage Equailty for the LGBT Community1554 Words  | 7 PagesIn today’s society, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community has been more accepted then in years prior, especially in the 1960’s and years prior to that, when anyone in the LGBT community would be horribly ridiculed, if not tortured. However, there still lies a long road for the LGBT community, as it pertains to human rights, equality, and particularly, marriage equality. Each individual has their own perception on marriage equality, whether it is based on moral basis, or onRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1633 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscrimination in the United States, and it took them more than ten years to find some sort of equality. Women have also faced discrimination for hundreds of years and it took them over fifty years to earn minimal rights. While the issue of homosexuality is relatively new to our country, the fight for rights started almost immediately, and people today are still struggling to earn civil liberties, like same-sex marriage. If some change isn’t made now, their struggle for rights could last even longer thanRead MoreEquality For Everyone : An Essay On Equality : Equality Of Equality869 Words  | 4 PagesEquality for Everyone â€Å"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself†-Andy Warhol Two hundred years ago, our founding fathers signed a document declaring independence and equality. Written in that document are Thomas Jefferson’s famous words, â€Å"All men are created equal.†Eighty years later another renowned president, Abraham Lincoln, also spoke of equality in the Gettysburg Address. In the 1950’s as the civil rights movement kicked off and again during the 1960Read MoreHomosexuals Have Every Right to Marry686 Words  | 3 PagesHomosexuals have every right to marry. Marriage is a basic human right, if straights can marry in all states then so should gays. Gay rights of all kinds are starting to become increasingly protected. â€Å"In every courthouse, in every proceeding and in every place where a member of the department of justice, stands on behalf of the United States, they will strive to ensure that same-sex marriages receive the same privileges, protections and rights as opposite-sex marriages, under federal law.†-Attorney GeneralRead MoreAustralian Law Reform Commission :990 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst few countries throughout the world to legalized gay marriage. Since this approval there has been new debate as to where Austra lia stands on same-sex marriage. The amount of same-sex couples in Australia increased by 32% from 2006 to 2011 and 70% of the Australian nation believe that Australia should allow the right to same-sex marriage. Before the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 by the Howard Government, there was no previous definition of Marriage in the 1961 Act and the definition was based on commonRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal930 Words  | 4 PagesGallup poll shows that support for same sex marriage in the U.S. has hit an all-time high of 55%. Whether or not Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry has been a hot topic of debate over the past few years. Although support for the right of same sex marriage has gained massive amounts of attention from the media in resent months, not all are in favor of the almost undeniable and unavoidable changes to the laws restricting these types of marriages. Every person has the right to love whomeverRead MoreQueer As Folk : Over The Extent Of The U nited States848 Words  | 4 Pagesfight for equality for LGBTQI  that is, lesbian, gays, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and inter-sexual. The LGBTQ started its uprise in the ‘50s as homosexuals started to become more well known  not necessarily accepted, however  among society. The LGBTQI community has quickly progressed since the ‘50s and ‘60s, bringing along with it many social changes, transgressions, feelings of hate, misconceptions, and a plethora of stereotypes  changing society’s views on sex, marriage, love, andRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1126 Words  | 5 PagesJune 26, 2015 for gay marriage to be legal in all fifty states, thirty seven out of the fifty and Washington D.C already legalized gay marriage. Many support gay marriage and many do not, with widespread values and reasons for and against it. Due to religion and rights people across the nation have differing views and opinions of it.In a fi ve to four vote in the Supreme Court gay marriage became legalized in all fifty states. Shortly after that a few marriage officiators and marriage licenses peopleRead MoreGay Marriage Should Remain Legal in California998 Words  | 4 Pages(Murphy). Although marriage between same-sex marriages interferes with the traditional purpose of marriage, procreation; gay marriage should remain legal in California because it justifies equality by allowing them to be socially accepted in society, it creates equality economically for taxes and finances, and reiterates that religious beliefs in all faiths should not dictate society. The traditional purpose of a marriage is procreation. Many people fear that same-sex marriages will interfere with
Sunday, December 22, 2019
According To An Article In Usa Today, “Illegal Immigration
According to an article in USA today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration population declines†Thomas Frank writes, â€Å"The number of illegal immigrants in the USA fell for the first time in at least four years, as the nations tough economy discourages people from sneaking into the USA†. Illegal immigration has been on an all time rise for the last 4 to five years, as the nations economy struggles to stay out of a depression. I believe illegal immigration has a great effect on how the economy is doing. It cost the nation millions and billions of dollars to pay for the problems that also come with illegal immigration. One large problem is the smuggling of drugs and other illegal things that come over are borders, with an already rising problem with gangs and†¦show more content†¦The final and one of the worst problems that comes with illegal immigration is the fact that many of these immigrants will work for less than minimum wage. The why this is a problem is because t here is a reason for minimum wage in this country so that everyone gets somewhat of a honest pay for a days work but when an illegal immigrant will work for nothing then greedy employers will hire these immigrants so they can make more money off there business illegally. This also takes jobs away from U.S. citizens who want to work for an honest days pay. With the United States rising unemployment rates we can not afford to give jobs out to people that are here illegally. Illegal immigration devastates our economy in the United States in all of these ways and makes it harder for the honest citizens of the United States to live in there own country. Many people may argue that the United States was founded and built on immigration but the country was not built on illegal immigration. The united states already allow immigrants into our country legally. There is no good that comes out of illegal immigration because there is no moderation of it we are just having a free for all at the bo rders and there fore letting criminals and maybe even terrorist into the United States illegally and un-detected. I think that one of the mainShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Over Illegal Immigrants1594 Words  | 7 Pagesour government giving false reassurance concerning the risk of infectious diseases being spread by illegal immigrants? Are they basing our risk of infection on another country study results who â€Å"closely matches our TB program? Has the debate and concern over illegal immigrants in the United States sparked fears among health authorities about the spread of tuberculosis? According to a medical news article entitled, History of Tuberculosis, â€Å"Tuberculosis has around since ancient times, it existed 15,000Read MoreThe Language of the Land: Learn It or Leave Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagesso called free country. The problem with this belief is that due to the lack of English speaking immigrants, Americas under-class is growing rapidly, because language barriers create obstacles in the pursuit of higher paying positions. According to an article in ProEnglish, an organization in support of English as our common language, in 2005, millions of immigrants cannot find good-paying jobs because of their lack of ability to speak English with customers, co-workers and employers (Why OfficialRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The Act Of Migrating Across A National Border1310 Words  | 6 Pages By its nature, illegal immigration is hard to measure and control. But to fully understand the solutions and properly analyze them; the origin, causes, and effects must be clear. Illegal immigration is the act of migrating across a national border without a legalized permission from the target country. Illegal immigration has long been a problem in the USA since the latter half of the 20th century. In spite of all the laws that was issued the door was left open especially for the Mexican immigrantsRead More American Citizenship and Immigration Essay1597 Words  | 7 PagesToday the Society is split into three separately minded groups. In no specific ordering, the first is determined to believe that any one person born in the United States is a citizen and which means their parents should become citizens along with them. These are the ones whom obtain â€Å"birthright citizenship†(Raul). The second are firm believers in the only ones that should be citizens are the ones who go through the proper process of becoming a citizen and according to the article in â€Å"USA todayRead MoreEffects of Immigration on the Economy Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pages| Illegal Immigrants Are They A Stress On Our Economy. | | | Joanna Przyborski | 10/27/2012 | | Illegal immigration is an issue that has been highly debated in the United States for decades, and the effects of these immigrants will be for many to come, especially with the country in a recession and many people in economic trouble. December 1, 2008 the National Bureau of Economic Research officially declared the U.S. in a recession. Before 2007, U.S. economy has grown inRead MoreIllegal Immigrants1298 Words  | 6 PagesFebruary 27, 2012 The Benefits of Illegal Immigrants Are illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants beneficial to America’s economy? Most illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States (U.S.) economy. Illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States economy because they increase our tax revenue, they add to our social security, and they also increase our employment rates.†In 2000, statistics revealed 8.7 million illegal immigrants resided in the United States†Read MoreBorder Security Deal Boosts Immigration Bill Prospects Essay2075 Words  | 9 PagesAlan, G., USA, T. (n.d): Border-security deal boosts immigration bill prospects. usa today. In this article, the author have related how to reinforce the U.S border from the inflow of illegal immigrants from Mexico and regularized those immigrants who already live in U.S .The worries that bill devoted be used to provide more manpower, fencing and technology on the border with Mexico is minimized. The U.S decision makers are divided about illegal immigration issue .One group decides to investRead MoreImmigration, America s Advantage By Lee Habeeb And Mike Leven1590 Words  | 7 Pagesthe issue of immigration. Legal immigration is a great benefit to our society, and if we can control and harness immigration, it will better our country for years to come. While illegal immigration is an enormous problem that needs to be solved, legal immigration is a great asset to our economy and American society as a whole. In their commentary, â€Å"Immigration, America’s Advantage†, Lee Habeeb and Mike Leven make several interesting statements. They spend the first part of the article describingRead MoreThe United States Immigration System1493 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States’ immigration system has several flaws that no one seems to know how to address. There have been several attempts to correct these flaws like accommodating immigrants with the Dream Act and trying to eliminate illegal entries into the U.S by spending billions of dollars on border patrol. However, there are flaws in those attempts also. For example, according to Daniel Gonzalez, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients are having a hard time finding jobs and, in someRead MoreIn Search of a Dream Essay1372 Words  | 6 Pagesdemanding and better paying job. Yet, in 2003 the labor of undocumented workers gave $7 billion in taxes into Social Security but they cannot claim those officiall y. Illegal immigrants in the U.S. cannot access public services easily and because of their illegal status they have to restrict some activities from their lives. Many illegal workers ignore the fact that they actually have rights, even though they are not citizens and that deprives them from living a better life. In part, this is the result
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Warriors of Ancient Sparta Free Essays
The Warriors of Ancient Sparta Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an ancient Greek city-state located primarily in the present-day region of southern Greece called Laconia. Life was very different in ancient Sparta than it was in the rest of ancient Greek city-states. The Spartans were proud, tierce, capable warriors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Warriors of Ancient Sparta or any similar topic only for you Order Now No great works ot art came out ot Sparta. But the Spartans, both men and women, were tough, and the Greeks admired strength. The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartlates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither laves nor citizens. The Perioeci, whose name means â€Å"dwellers-around,†worked as craftsmen and traders, and built weapons for the Spartans. In Greek mythology the founder ot the city was Lacedaemon, a son ot Zeus, who gave hls name to the region and his wife’s name to the city. Sparta was also an Important member of the Greek force which fought In the Trojan War. Indeed, the Spartan king Menelaos started the war after the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped his wife Helen, offered to Paris by the goddess Aphrodite as a prize for choosing her in a beauty contest against fellow oddesses Athena and Hera. Helen was said to have been the most beautiful woman In Greece and Spartan women In general enjoyed a reputation not only tor good looks but also spirited Independence. All healthy male Spartan citizens participated In the mandatory state-sponsored education system, the Agoge, which emphasized obedience, endurance, courage and self-control, but more on that later. Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived together well into adulthood. A Spartan was taught that loyalty to the state came before everything else, including nes tamlly. The Helots, whose name means â€Å"captives,†were fellow creeks, orlglnally from Laconia and Messenia, who had been taken over by the Spartans and turned Into slaves. The Spartans’ way of life would not have been possible without the Helots, who did all the day-to-day tasks and unskilled labor required to keep society going: They were domestic servants, farmers, military attendants and nurses. Unlike such Greek city-states as Athens, a center for the arts, learning and philosophy. Sparta was tocused on a warrior culture. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one ccupation: to be a solider. This lifestyle began early. Spartan boys started their military training at age 7, when they left home and entered the Agoge. The boys lived collectively under grim conditions. They were subjected to continual physical competitions (which could involve violence), given little to no rations and expected to become skilled at stealing food, among other survival skills Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them cruelly and repressively In an ettort to prevent uprisings. Spartans would humiliate the Helots by doing such things as orcing them to get drunk on wine and then make fools of themselves In public. (This practice was also intended to demonstrate to young people how an adult Spartan should never act, as self-control was a prized trait. Methods of abuse could be far more extreme: Spartans were allowed to kill Helots for being too smart or too fit, among other reasons. The teenage boys who demonstrated the most leadership potential were selected for participation In the cryptela, which acted as a secret murder those who were troublemakers. At age 20, Spartan males became full-time oldiers, and remained on active duty until age 60. The Spartans’ constant military drilling and discipline made them skilled at the ancient Greek style of fghting in a phalanx formation. In the phalanx, the army worked as a unit in a close, deep formation, and made coordinated mass maneuvers. No one soldier was considered superior to another. Going into battle, a Spartan soldier, or hoplite, wore a large bronze helmet, breastplate and ankle guards, and carried a round shield made of bronze and wood, a long spear and sword. Spartan warriors were also known for their long hair and red cloaks. Spartan women had a reputation for being independent-minded, and enjoyed more freedoms and power than their counterparts throughout ancient Greece. While they played no role in the military, female Spartans often received a formal education, although separate from boys and not at boarding schools. In part to attract mates, females engaged in athletic competitions, including Javelin-throwing and wrestling, and also sang and danced competitively. As adults, Spartan women were allowed to own and manage property. Additionally, they were typically unencumbered by domestic responsibilities such as ooking, cleaning and making clothing, tasks which were handled by the helots. How to cite The Warriors of Ancient Sparta, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Effectiveness of Consumer Behaviour Towards Grocery Brands
Question: Discuss about theEffectiveness of Consumer Behaviour Towards Grocery Brands. Answer: Business Research Topic The business research topic that has been evaluated in this business proposal is the effectiveness of consumer behavior towards grocery brands in the UK. United Kingdom being one of the most influential in the retail market has significantly owned huge business transactions that has vitalized and improved the private sector of the United Kingdoms business economy (Zaidi and Othman, 2015). In this research proposal the major focus is on the case study of Aldi. Aldi is one of the most famous retail chain stores that compete with the likes of Walmart and Tesco. In this proposal the basic research is evaluated about the case study of Aldi analysing the prolific opportunity a techniques that would analyse the business operations of the organization (Walsh et al. 2016). Research Question/Problem Statement The problem statement that is going to be discussed in this proposal is analysing the case study of Aldi. Aldi have had a significant effect on the business economy of United Kingdom irrespective of the cultural, geographical and livelihood aspects etc (Tipple, 2006). It is quite tough to have a comprehensive evaluation of the problem statement and provide a significant analysis of the impact on the Aldi scenario. Thus, this research proposal prolifically aims to analyse the research questions on which the paper focuses on: Analyzing and evaluating the performance of Aldi in the UK economy Identifying the competition level with the competitors like Walmart and Tesco Investigation of the key determinants that evaluates the business operations of Aldi Research Methodology The entire research proposal has been outlined relying on the secondary data that prolifically includes online journals, text books by different authors and articles that are published on the institutional websites. Most of the data are accessed via the official website of Aldi along with the private sector reports. The research that has been evaluated in this significant research proposal is the methodological triangulation that prolifically indulges both the quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The research has been evaluated on relying on the primary resources which will be enabled to interview various research analysts from the UK (Thomas, 2015). The European Union and United Kingdom has been the major protagonist by providing a major questionnaire that would analyse the qualitative analysis, which will significantly provide an actual trend of the determinants of Aldi and its effects. In designing the research on this significant topic, retrospective study, which is also termed as trend studies that enables to look back in time for evaluating the events and analyse the prolific trend in it. The non probability as well as the probability method of sampling is used for providing a significant approach to every step that is taken into consideration in this research proposal. The data that has been collected or collected will be categorized in two categories and the trend will be extracted from the sampling methods. Research Process The research process is evaluated based on the research area, i.e. analysing a case study of Aldi. The research proposal has been selected based on personal and professional interests formulating the major aim of the proposal to evaluate the key prospects about the business operations of Aldi and investigating the problem statement. The entire hypothesis have been developed in several attempts to critically evaluate the research questions and research process. Qualitative and quantitative analysis gas been utilized to process the research analysis by using the various data collection methods as well as analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the primary and secondary data collection methods and in depth analysis (Sekaran and Bougie, 2013). The major significance of the research process of the paper is to provide a strategic analysis that would provide a clear investigation on the insight of Aldis case study. Data Collection With the final objective of this examination, it is required that both the key and helper are assembled and separated. The explanation behind data social event is to give speedier comprehension to the middle subjects associated with this particular investigation. The vital data required for this examination would be assembled from the overall public concerning the investigation point. The data may be assembled at a meeting where the declarations given the meeting would cross examined with the survey the subject had disentangled out remembering the finished objective to recognize the uniqueness in the thought plans and the assortment happening at different periods of considering (Hirsh, 2008). The secondary data is required to be accumulated from journals, scholarly articles, and government records remembering the final objective to get the cautious figures and numbers which would be difficult to get through vital means (Malik, 2012). A broad part of the data social event would be established on the helper sort of data collection as this would require serious examination on the substance of the articles, journals, and volumes got from Government archives. Data Analysis Data examination will require attentive examination of each of the data assembled from the vital and discretionary data sources (Lim and Ting, 2013). The data would then be analyzed painstakingly with a particular final objective to take in each of the tiny variables obtained from the vital and secondary data gathering sources remembering the finished objective to choose the object of the examination. Additionally, the data will be substantiated and cross-referenced totally with a particular deciding objective to offer authenticity to the results. Research Outcomes The research is prolifically outlines to evaluate the key business aspects of Aldi analyzing a significant case study of Aldi. The basic outcomes of the research are to critically establish the final objectives and the problem statement that is mentioned above. The major outcome of the research proposal is to significantly evaluate the competition level, the determinants of the business operations of Aldi etc (McGee, 2007). It will also provide an overview about the major research on the data that has been collected as well as analyzed for deciding the authenticity to evaluate the final objective from cultural aspects, geographical aspects and livelihood aspects. The outcomes of the research are to sustain and finalize the crucial aspect of the case study of Aldi. References: Hirsh, H. (2008) Data mining research: Current status and future opportunities, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 1(2), pp. 104107 Lim, W. M. and Ting, D. H. (2013) Research methodology: A toolkit of sampling and data analysis techniques for quantitative research. United States: Grin Verlag Malik, M.B. (2012) Extensions and developments on the Schilling and dodge mixed dependent acceptance sampling plans, Statistical Methodology, 9(4), pp. 486489. McGee, P. (2007) Ethical issues in data collection: A commentary, Research Ethics, 3(3), pp. 8990 Sekaran, U. S. and Bougie, R. (2013) Research methods for business: A skill-building approach. 6th edn. United States: John Wiley Sons Thomas, J. A. (2015) Using unstructured diaries for primary data collection, Nurse Researcher, 22(5), pp. 2529 Tipple, G. (2006) Employment and work conditions in home-based enterprises in four developing countries: Do they constitute decent work?, Work, Employment Society, 20(1), pp. 167179. Walsh, G., Walgenbach, P., Evanschitzky, H. and Schaarschmidt, M. (2016) Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?, Journal of Organisational Transformation Social Change, 13(1), pp. 525 Zaidi, M.F.A. and Othman, S.N. (2015) Organisational capabilities, environmental turbulence, and NPD performance: A study on Malaysian manufacturing firms, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172(4), pp. 286293
Friday, November 29, 2019
Brizy Page Builder Review How It Stacks Up to the Competition
Drag-and-drop page builder fans, we have a new plugin to present to you! We know there are a few solid choices to choose from at this moment, but Brizy is a cool tool that can become a great contender for the throne of page builders. If you read our Brizy page builder review further, youll understand why.WordPress page builder enthusiasts, this is for you. We just discovered the plugin, loved the way it worked and the nice things it offered, hence we wanted to pay it forward to you. What will you get in this article? Details on what exactly Brizy is, a short tutorial on how to use it, screenshots, and information about future plans and features. Brizy page builder review: What is Brizy? Brizy Page Builder Author(s): Brizy.ioCurrent Version: 1.0.98Last Updated: October 17, 2019brizy.1.0.98.zip 88%Ratings 904,085Downloads WP 4.5+Requires Brizy is the new kid in town, a fresh tool that joins popular names like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi Builder. It basically has the sam e role, that of letting you create beautiful and modern pages without touching code, hiring a pro, or spending money on the perfect templates.Everything about this plugin seems clear. You just need to select a layout and edit it by removing and dragging elements to the canvas; the page builder brings a decent collection of draggable and customizable elements such as buttons, text, lines, counters, tabs etc. In other words, the basics that you would normally find on a page.One of the unique things about Brizy is how you actually customize those elements once theyre on your page. Rather than using a sidebar or a popup like many other page builders, Brizy lets you control most stuff inline, which offers a different editing experience. See an example of styling a button:Like other page builders, Brizy is compatible with all themes, so you can use it on any WordPress site.Key features of the Brizy page builderTo start off our Brizy page builder review, Im going to cover the most impor tant features, which should kind of wrap up all the strengths and possibilities youll have if you decide to use it on your website.Clutter free. Once you start working with the tool, you notice its simplicity. You wont stumble upon unneeded elements of any kind. The plugin just works and provides what it claims to provide. No more, no less.Intuitive drag-and-drop interface. I remember testing other similar tools and having a hard time trying to understand whats the role of a specific option or where should I find this and that. Well, I didnt have this issue with Brizy. Everything is straight and smooth like a breeze.Over 150 pre-made blocks. These include multipurpose templates and layouts that you can customize. If you wont find one to match your ideas, you can at least pick one thats close to your expectations and re-arrange it to your liking.Global styling. You can set up global styles for things like colors and typography to apply by default and then just edit individual bloc ks as needed.Mobile-friendly. The plugin offers a mobile view, so you can see exactly how the page you intend to build looks on a phone screen. This way, you have the possibility to adjust the elements and optimize them for other devices.Design elements. Aside from the ready-made blocks, theres a bunch of elements to help you stylize your pages. You can remove or add buttons, counters, icons, tabs, images, audio/video, columns/rows, forms, progress bars (and more) in just a few seconds.Cloud auto-save. You shouldnt worry about losing the adjustments youve been working on for a long time because all your work will be stored in a cloud.Flexible customization. When youre editing a pre-built page, you dont need to stick to its default structure. You can always re-order blocks, change backgrounds (image, video, parallax), redo/undo actions, adjust the paddings and margins, edit the text and the images etc.Over 4000 icons included. The icons are available in Outline and Glyph versions.Now , were going to take our Brizy page builder review more hands-onHow does Brizy work?After you install the plugin, you can launch it when editing a post or page like any other page builder. Then, youll have the option to choose from existing blocks or start from a blank block:I selected a pre-built block to start. But its easy to tweak the existing content using drag and drop. And you can also easily add your own elements. For example, to add that countdown timer, I just needed to drag it over from the left sidebar:If you want to adjust the space on your page, Brizy includes draggable margins:To adjust global styles, you can use the options on the left:In the top-right corner, you can access options that let you:Control a block you can even make a block a slider.Set the block backgroundSave blocks for laterChange the width of a blockAnd in the bottom right corner, you have some other tools that allow you to undo/redo your actions, preview, and finally publish when everything is read y.I played a little bit with the templates, added some new elements, changed some colors, and published one on my testing site. It looks like this:So thats how you edit a page or post with Brizy and what I wrote above kind of concludes what the plugin puts on the table for you. This is basically the full arsenal of elements, options, and settings that you get if you download this tool.Pricing plansAt this very moment, Brizy only has a free version, but its developers plan to launch a premium plan soon. So if youre enjoying the Brizy Lite experience and want to get even more flexibility for future projects, the wait wont be long. By the end of July, the page builder should be available for purchase. Whats in it for you if you pay for the service?Premium page designs.WordPress headers and footers.Form integrations (e.g. MailChimp, Campaign Editor).WooCommerce elements.Banners.Maybe well write a Brizy page builder review PRO version when that happens!Who should use Brizy page builder?G iven the plugins current state, I would say that the appropriate users would be the ones who dont need the tool for very high business ambitions (say corporate goals). The plugin is good for those who are in the initial stages of building, testing, and launching a new business.Its the perfect choice for people who still want to experiment with their professional identity and still explore possibilities. So local and small businesses would be ideal here.Of course, using it for personal projects is definitely great and will help you big time.Where can you find Brizy?Since its a free plugin, you can either download it from its official website or get it from WordPress.org. If you want to set it all up without leaving your dashboard, you can simply search for the plugin via Plugins - Add New in your WordPress admin page.Have you had the chance to test the plugin? In either case, we would love to know what are your thoughts about it after going through our Brizy page builder review. D o you see it as a big contender for the big fish? Or is it a convenient alternative to its more popular counterparts? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. #Brizy is a new #WordPress page builder. Check out the review Brizy 9.3 Template library 9.0/10 Design options 9.8/10 Performance 9.0/10 Content modules 9.0/10 Mobile optimization 9.5/10 ProsClutter freeIntuitive drag-and-drop interfaceOver 150 pre-made blocksEasy to use and powerful ConsThe brand is not established yet Go to Brizy {"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Product","name":"Brizy","image":"https:\/\/mllj2j8xvfl0.i.optimole.com\/w:auto\/h:auto\/q:auto\/https:\/\/s15165.pcdn.co\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/06\/brizy-1-150x150.png","description":"Drag-and-drop page builder fans, we have a new plugin to present to you! We know there are a few solid choices to choose from at this moment, but Brizy is a cool tool that can become a great contender for the throne of page builders. If you r ead our Brizy page builder review further, you'll...","offers":{"@type":"Offer","price":"0.00","priceCurrency":"USD","seller":{"@type":"Person","name":"Adelina Tuca"}},"review":{"@type":"Review","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":"10","worstRating":"0","ratingValue":"9.26"},"name":"Brizy","reviewBody":"Drag-and-drop page builder fans, we have a new plugin to present to you! We know there are a few solid choices to choose from at this moment, but Brizy is a cool tool that can become a great contender for the throne of page builders. If you read our Brizy page builder review further, you'll understand why.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWould you rather prefer a video version of the review?\r\n\r\n\r\nBrizy page builder review: What is Brizy?\r\n\r\n\r\nBrizy is the new kid in town, a fresh tool that joins popular names like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi Builder. It basically has the same role, that of letting you create beautiful and modern pages without touching code, hiring a pro, or spending money on the perfect templates.\r\n\r\nEverything about this plugin seems clear. You just need to select a layout and edit it by removing and dragging elements to the canvas; the page builder brings a decent collection of draggable and customizable elements such as buttons, text, lines, counters, tabs etc. In other words, the basics that you would normally find on a page.\r\n\r\nOne of the unique things about Brizy is how you actually customize those elements once they're on your page. Rather than using a sidebar or a popup like many other page builders, Brizy lets you control\u00a0most stuff inline, which offers a different editing experience. See an example of styling a button:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLike other page builders, Brizy is compatible with all themes, so you can use it on any WordPress site.\r\nKey features of the Brizy page builder\r\nTo start off our Brizy page builder review, I'm going to cover the most important features, which should kind of wrap up all the str engths and possibilities you'll have if you decide to use it on your website.\r\n\r\nClutter free. Once you start working with the tool, you notice its simplicity. You won't stumble upon unneeded elements of any kind. The plugin just works and provides what it claims to provide. No more, no less.\r\n\r\nIntuitive drag-and-drop interface.\u00a0I remember testing other similar tools and having a hard time trying to understand what's the role of a specific option or where should I find this and that. Well, I didn't have this issue with Brizy. Everything is straight and smooth... like a breeze.\r\n\r\nOver 150 pre-made blocks. These include multipurpose templates and layouts that you can customize. If you won't find one to match your ideas, you can at least pick one that's close to your expectations and re-arrange it to your liking.\r\n\r\nGlobal styling. You can set up global styles for things like colors and typography to apply by default and then just edit individual blocks as needed .\r\n\r\nMobile-friendly. The plugin offers a mobile view, so you can see exactly how the page you intend to build looks on a phone screen. This way, you have the possibility to adjust the elements and optimize them for other devices.\r\n\r\nDesign elements. Aside from the ready-made blocks, there's a bunch of elements to help you stylize your pages. You can remove or add buttons, counters, icons, tabs, images, audio\/video, columns\/rows, forms, progress bars (and more) in just a few seconds.\r\n\r\nCloud auto-save. You shouldn't worry about losing the adjustments you've been working on for a long time because all your work will be stored in a cloud.\r\n\r\nFlexible customization. When you're editing a pre-built page, you don't need to stick to its default structure. You can always re-order blocks, change backgrounds (image, video, parallax), redo\/undo actions, adjust the paddings and margins, edit the text and the images etc.\r\n\r\nOver 4000 icons included. The icons are availab le in Outline and Glyph versions.\r\n\r\nNow, we're going to take our Brizy page builder review more hands-on...\r\nHow does Brizy work?\r\nAfter you install the plugin, you can launch it when editing a post or page like any other page builder. Then, you'll have the option to choose from existing blocks or start from a blank block:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI selected a pre-built block to start. But it's easy to tweak the existing content using drag and drop. And you can also easily add your own elements. For example, to add that countdown timer, I just needed to drag it over from the left sidebar:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIf you want to adjust the space on your page, Brizy includes draggable margins:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo adjust global styles, you can use the options on the left:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIn the top-right corner, you can access options that let you:\r\n\r\n \tControl a block - you can even make a block a slider.\r\n \tSet the block background\r\n \tSave blocks for later\r\n \tChange the width of a bl ock\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd in the bottom right corner, you have some other tools that allow you to undo\/redo your actions, preview, and finally publish when everything is ready.\r\n\r\nI played a little bit with the templates, added some new elements, changed some colors, and published one on my testing site. It looks like this:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSo that's how you edit a page or post with Brizy and what I wrote above kind of concludes what the plugin puts on the table for you. This is basically the full arsenal of elements, options, and settings that you get if you download this tool.\r\nPricing plans\r\nAt this very moment, Brizy only has a free version, but its developers plan to launch a premium plan soon. So if you're enjoying the Brizy Lite experience and want to get even more flexibility for future projects, the wait won't be long. By the end of July, the page builder should be available for purchase. What's in it for you if you pay for the service?\r\n\r\n \tPremium page designs.\r \n \tWordPress headers and footers.\r\n \tForm integrations (e.g. MailChimp, Campaign Editor).\r\n \tWooCommerce elements.\r\n \tBanners.\r\n\r\nMaybe we'll write a Brizy page builder review PRO version when that happens!\r\nWho should use Brizy page builder?\r\nGiven the plugin's current state, I would say that the appropriate users would be the ones who don't need the tool for very high business ambitions (say corporate goals). The plugin is good for those who are in the initial stages of building, testing, and launching a new business.\r\n\r\nIt's the perfect choice for people who still want to experiment with their professional identity and still explore possibilities. So local and small businesses would be ideal here.\r\n\r\nOf course, using it for personal projects is definitely great and will help you big time.\r\nWhere can you find Brizy?\r\nSince it's a free plugin, you can either download it from its official website or get it from\u00a0WordPress.org. If you want to set it all up without leaving your dashboard, you can simply search for the plugin via Plugins - Add New in your WordPress admin page.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Adelina Tuca"},"datePublished":"2018-06-28"}}
Monday, November 25, 2019
10 Stunning Examples Of Visual Content Marketing
10 Stunning Examples Of Visual Content Marketing When you think of content marketing, what comes to mind? More than likely, you think of a blog post with at least 1,000 words and a few stock images. Is that it? Is that the only kind of content marketing out there? Definitely not. We shouldnt forget about visual content marketing, and how powerful it can be. What Is Visual Content Marketing? Content marketing is about creating something that will provide our readers with value, and sharing it with them in a usable way. Visual content marketing is really no different; it is just another medium for our content. As the world becomes more and more saturated with businesses using content marketing, we are always going to be in need of finding ways to stand out. Visual content marketing is a great way to make this happen, and can be broken down into six basic types: Comics Memes Infographics Photos Videos Visual Note Taking These methods can also make our content more shareable. We dont need to look far to see that visual content reigns supreme on social networks like Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. With the addition of sites like Vine and Instagram, the visual renaissance is growing ever more prominent. Having mastery of visual content is necessary for #ContentMarketing success.The reality is that visual content marketing is something that you need to be paying attention to, even if you have to learn to flex some different content muscles to do it right. Visual content marketing requires a different skill set, and you may even need to channel your inner designer (more on this later). The first step to creating visual content marketing that has worth is to start thinking visually. What are some ways that you can make your content stand out in a visual way? How can you use graphics, photos, images, and video to share the content youd normally write out as a blog post? Here are a few examples from some of the best in the business to help you get some ideas rolling. 1) KISSmetrics Infographics Not long ago, we tried our own hand at creating an infographic that covered the use of growth hacking and content marketing together. It was a huge success, and is still gaining traction and bringing in traffic. Infographics still work, and KISSmetrics is one of the best in the business. On the KISSmetrics infographics page you will find dozens of examples of useful content that have been represented in a visual way. KISSmetrics, a leader in useful infographics. Infographics are a great place to start your visual content marketing journey because the are closely related to content youre used to handling (facts), and because the tools are readily available. A simple Google search can help you gather the right data, and there are many tools out there that will help you put it all together. If you have some basic Photoshop skills, you can even buy stock graphics and put the inforgraphic together yourself. Tip: Try a service like PiktoChart or Infogr.am to create your first infographic. Or, hire a designer instead. 2) Targets Pinterest Strategy Target is a great brand that provides us with an excellent look at how businesses and brands can use sites like Pinterest to stand out. They have several boards, and use different strategies for each board. Target is a good example of a brand that is doing it right. Pinterest can provide a never-ending supply of inspiration for visual content marketing. For brands on Pinterest, it can be easy to come off very generic and typical. Most brands simply post images of their products, which can work, but that method isnt always as engaging as a graphic that combines images and text. Targets Party with Pinners board does an especially good job of sharing images that are fresh, fun, and engaging. 3) Grammarly Cards I am notoriously horrible with grammar, which means that I have tried everything under the sun to improve my efforts – including a paid subscription to Grammarly, an online proofreading and correction tool. As a result, I have been watching and enjoying their visual content marketing for years. Grammarly is particularly excellent at creating memes that provide value and humor for their followers. A classic meme, and a great example of visual content marketing. One look at the Grammarly Pinterest page says it all. They consistently create funny, engaging, and audience-pleasing visual content for their brand. They call their creations grammarly cards and they make it easy to share and enjoy the images with friends. Some of their cards are better designed than others, which proves that visual content doesnt always require high quality design chops. Grammarly wins on humor and clever ideas rather than high design. This is a formula that just about anyone can duplicate. 4) The Home Depot On Vine The Home Depot provides an excellent example of how the social network Vine can be used to create engaging visual content for our audience. Their Vine profile includes dozens of creative and interactive visual examples of content marketing like this one: I particularly enjoy this example of one of their Vines for an upcoming workshop that will take place in their store. It creatively demonstrates the process that will be used while pitching their workshop at the same time. Vines are easy for anyone to create. All you need is the app itself. Just be sure to share your vines on the appropriate social networks like Twitter and Facebook. 5) Starbucks On Instagram Starbucks is a brand with a lot of personality. They make great coffee, but more than that, they are a lifestyle company. One look at their Instagram profile and you see this personality come to life. While frequently showing off their products, Starbucks manages to do it in a unique way that truly represents their brand and not just a sales ad. Looking closely, you can see that they frequently mix up the feed with images that simply embrace their own values, and the interests of their followers. 6) Neil Patels Visual Guides Neil Patel is a content marketing rockstar. He is also the creator of some very pleasing visual guides that he makes freely available from his blog. These guides take the content and format of an ebook, but display them in a highly visual way right on his website. That strategy is brilliant. Not only do the guides become highly sharable, but they also make a great landing page for search traffic. Neils visual guides make great content marketing, and theyre easy to share. You can take a look at Neils Beginners Guide to Online Marketing and get an idea of what this looks like. It is definitely a new approach to the old ebook standby. 7) Coca-Cola On Tumblr Over the years, Coca-Cola has been a leader and trendsetter in the visual content marketing space. I distinctly remember watching their 2020 initiative video which emphasized  their content marketing strategy as they transition from one-way messaging to content marketing that is optimized for audience interaction. The video itself was a killer example of visual content marketing. Another great example is the Coca-Cola Tumblr page. Coca-Colas Tumblr blog is a great example of visual content marketing done right. Their Tumblr page is fun, quirky, and even interactive with a variety of animated gifs and brand memorabilia. 8) Evernotes Videos I love Evernote, and I am not alone. This standout notes application has many passionate fans, and Evernote has done a great job of capturing their enthusiasm through video. Their gallery includes dozens of videos ranging from product tutorials to tips, and even customer stories. The Evernote user story for US figure skater David Pelletier is especially compelling. Evernote does a great job using video in their visual content marketing efforts. Evernote has done a great job of capturing the passion of their users and sharing it a visual way. Video may not be the easiest to master, but it is a very effective form of visual content marketing. 9) Whole Foods on Facebook Whole Foods Market has long been at the top of my list as one of the companies leading the way in content marketing. They have a passionate audience, and an excellent understanding of how to tell their story in a visual way. For years, their Facebook page has served as melting pot of content marketing inspiration and community spirit. Whole Foods Market clearly understands how to leverage visual content marketing. While their page features a few photos of their products, it primarily consists of great graphics like this one that provide helpful advice to their audience that they can use with what they might purchase at Whole Foods. This is visual content marketing at its purest. 10) The GE Show The GE Show is designed to help us understand the technologies that are changing our lives. GE provides stunning interactive games and interesting videos that tell the stories behind their technology. Each episode is an experience, and one that builds brand value and adds an element of play and fun to a viewers day. In other words, you can have fun while you learn. The rails episode is particularly compellingand distracting! Good Visual Content Tells A Story Traditional content marketing provides value to its readers, and so can visual content marketing. The true value of visual content marketing lies in its ability to tell a story quickly, sharing information in a way that is easily remembered. Visual objects are emotional, and they can reach viewers in a way that is difficult with the written word. We often hear the phrase that a photo is worth a thousand words and this idea can certainly ring true with content marketing. Sometimes one photo or graphic is all we need to convey what we could have otherwise said in 1,000 words.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managing Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managing Decision Making - Essay Example Hence we bring a wide range of inputs to the process of decision making. Two features of our deliberations are conflict and conciliation. Conflict is inevitable in any group interaction, but we make sure that it is constructive and instructive. What we strive as a group is to talk, deliberate, analyse and eventually concur on our decisions. The objective of our project was to compile a report on End User Development (EUD), which is a buzzing concept in the world of Information Technology. Numerous decisions were taken at various stages of the project. This reflection will touch upon salient features of our group decision making process. My views are informed by theory and practical knowledge that I learnt through various key texts during the course. Decision Style Effects on Group Decision Making Scholar Efraim Turban denotes a list of guiding principles that comprise a decision modelling. These are â€Å"1.Will analytics solve the problem? 2.Can an existing solution be leveraged? 3 . Is a tool needed?†(Turban, p.39) Although these guiding questions were offered in the context of an Information Technology company, Hewlett- Packard, their essence can be extrapolated to any situation. So our group adopted this framework in our decision making process. But this framework does not work in isolation from our individual personalities. For example, Aleksandar is someone who uses a Behavioral decision making style which comes naturally to him. Rocco and Kuir’s approach to decisions tend to fall under the Directive type. I think of my style as Analytical with due modesty. Hence, conflict is an expected feature of our discussions. Actually, this diversity of styles creates a vibrant atmosphere during the discussions. Though we have set individual styles, our group members are also good listeners. Aleksandar, Rocco and Kuir lend their ear to what I have to say and correct me if I’ve made a logical or factual error. So what is evident in our group dyna mics is a constant flux of inputs and outputs. Just as each member gives his inputs, each in turn receives an evaluation of their views through others’ responses. I would claim on behalf of my group that it is an enjoyable process overall. Personality Type Effects on Group Decision Making Analytical individuals like me enjoy problem solving and enjoy a good challenge. Fair to say, the challenging nature of our project actually served as a motivation for me. People of my type enjoy data crunching and rigorous analysis. I am happy to state that the project in question provided me satisfaction on both counts. I also enjoy written communication, which is why I took to the task of compiling this report with enthusiasm. My strengths suitably complement what Aleksandar, Rocco and Kuir have to offer. Aleksandar falls under the Behavioural type, which means he is a good team player and very sociable. He negotiates differences through skilful and polite persuasion than aggression. In f act, Aleksandar is the great pacifier in our meetings. We love him for it. Rocco and Kuir are the Directive types. They are very focussed on getting things done and can be a little aggressive at times. But they are valuable for the group for the technical knowledge they bring to the project. To give an anatomical analogy, Rocco and Kuir would form the muscles and bones whereas Aleksandar would be the heart of our group. I myself, again with due modesty, would be its brain. Team Development and its effect on Group Decision
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Proposal to use mobile application health to help or support Research
To use mobile application health to help or support disability patients in Saudi Arabia. Or how to use technology to help or support disability patients in saudi arabia - Research Proposal Example 89). These developments on the other hand require government interventions so as to be legally implemented and supported. Trying to determine how many people are disabled can be difficult because it is problematic to determine the level of disability as the means of data collection and the definition varies from country to country. Disability is a key problem for the Saudi Arabian healthcare area. Information concerning the cases and frequency of impairment, disability, and socio-demographic features of persons with disabilities are rare and inadequate since the real weight of disability is also mis-calculated. Guidelines and regulations have reinforced the equivalent privileges and rights of disabled individuals, but fruitless application of these regulations has resulted to a gap amongst the proposed goals and the real services provision. Evidently, more examination is required to plot for applicable management platforms, effective employment of basic inhibition strategies, and correct distribution of health facilities in this region. There are applications that have been made to carter for people wi th disabilities, for instance, Prologue2Go, which is a text-to-speech application that helps people with speech disabilities. Enabling disabled people to download applications to smartphones or tablet PCs means having smaller and convenient equipment to store much of what you require than having many pieces of a stand-alone-equipment (Mitchell, 2012, p. 9). This makes it more effective, efficient and, cheaper for people with disabilities to perform various tasks. Mobile technology can also help to remove the stigma in these challenged persons. Before the introduction of smart phones, disabled persons used a lot of instruments to help them in seeing. To achieve this, they needed to carry a magnifier, a money recognition device and a screen
Monday, November 18, 2019
Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Political Economy - Essay Example If a country is relatively more efficient in the production of a good than another country then it has comparative advantage in production of that good (Kili 2002, p.3). However, the theory itself is also one of the most commonly misunderstood principles (Suranovic 2003). Suranovic lists that one of its sources of "misunderstandings" derives from its property of being counter-intuitive, that is, many results from its formal model are contrary to simple logic. Secondly, the theory is easy to be confused with another concept regarding advantageous trade, known in trade theory as the theory of absolute advantage. This confusion between these two concepts leads many people to believe that they have understood comparative advantage in full when in reality, it is absolute advantage that they understand. Finally, the theory of comparative advantage is all too often presented only in its mathematical form. The use of numerical examples or diagrammatic representations is extremely useful in illustrating the basic results and the deeper implications of the theory. However, it is also easy to see the results mathematically, without ever understanding the basic intuition of the theory (Suranovic 2003). The theory on comparative advantage was first described by Robert Torrens in 1815 in an essay on the corn trade where he concluded that it was to England's benefit to exchange various goods with Poland in return for corn, even though it might be possible to produce that corn more cheaply in England than Poland. However, the theory is attributed to David Ricardo, who explained it in greater detail in his 1817 book The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation and explained the concept on foreign trade in an example involving the same two countries. The theory has been developed in the context of Ricardo's labour theory of value. The following table shows Ricardo's 1817 example of foreign trade production functions on cloth and wine for England and Portugal in one year's time: Output/Country Wine Cloth England 120 100 Portugal 80 90 According to Ricardo, if England is circumstanced that in order to produce the cloth may require the labour of 100 men in a year and if this country attempted to make wine, the labour of 120 men will be needed at the same time. Ricardo quotes that it would be in England's best in interest to import wine and to purchase it through the exportation of cloth.1 On the other hand, to produce the wine in Portugal, the labour of 80 men will be required for one year while producing cloth in the same country will need the labour of 90 men for the same time. According to Ricardo, it would be therefore best for Portugal to export wine in exchange for cloth. In Ricardo's words: "This exchange might even take place, notwithstanding that the commodity imported by Portugal could be produced there with less labour than in England. Though she (Portugal) could make the cloth with the labour of 100 men to produce it, because it would be advantageous to her rather to employ her capital (the labour employed) in the production of winethan she could produce by diverting her portion of capital from the cultivation of vines to the manufacture of cloth." According to Feucht (2002, p.3), the reason for comparative advantage is that even if the costs for all products may be lower in one country than in its trading partner, there is still the one product where the relative cost saving compared to all
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Consciousness In The Snows Of Kilimanjaro
Consciousness In The Snows Of Kilimanjaro The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a short novel by well-known American novelist Ernest Hemmingway (1899-1961) by the use of stream of consciousness. The novel shapes the hero Harry, the dying writer, although he feared the advent of death, eventually he expected to rise his own soul to snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, so as to realize the detachment of spirit and surpass himself. The Snows of Kilimajaro contains powerful images of death. In fact, the opening paragraph of the novel tells the reader about a carcass of a leopard and Hemingways creates a trio of images that are showed throughout the novel: snow God death. The novel deals with an extreme life situation the experience closely relates to death and the dying experience . Death is exsited no matter place in the novel, it is showed in the main plot of the story and the parts describing the remembrance of the heros life. Decay, destruction and death are the main themes of this short story. Hemingway described the hero Harry with flesh and blood, longing for having real life. Although he felt very helpless and angry for the fate and the death, he still remained clear-headed mentally in the dying point of the death, reflecting himself by the way of recalling the remorse, and regretting his mistake and wasted time. In order to show this theme, Hemingway used his unique technique of stream of consciousness, much space was used to describe Harrys memories in the novelà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡In the passage of describing the reality that death is approaching ¼Ã…’the narrative of stream of consciousness successfully was inserted in the main form of narration interposed, flashback, multi-perspective rendering method and symbolic, sketching out Harrys life experience, succeeding in describing the activities of Harrys mind, and depicting vividly the characters personality II Embodiments of Stream of Consciousness in the Snows of Kilimanjaro Stream of consciousness is emerged on the basis of realism between the 1920s and 1930s, which breaking the traditional literary technique including character introduction, plot arrangement and comment on the psychological activities, while directly representing awareness activities of the characters, subconscious process is its main feature in particular, image and inner attitude of the characters are regarded as manifesting form. Psychological state is the center line when the hero faced the death approaching in the Snows of Kilimanjaro, radiating out the stream of consciousness is the experience of Harrys life and all the stories related to the death, the center line is regarded as the main line of the whole story vertically develops.Harrys death refracts Harrys life, personality and his attitude towards death. All these above are inserted some narrative of stream of consciousness in the form of narration interposed, flashback, multi-perspective rendering method and symbolic in the center line. Finally, all the consciousness were attributed to a kind of sense, which the sublimation of peoples spiritual realm and the rise of aircraft are integrated, the article mounts to climax , beyond the space-time and reshapes the realm of himself. Time and space crisscross The narration split into two time and spatial levels made it possible for Hemingway to incorporate wider experience. The first level is precisely defined in time and space, whereas the second level is not restricted in this respect. It is on the edge of a dream, so it belongs rather to that surreal world. The combination of both gives strong sense of deep feeling and bitter experience of this violent world. Life is seen as a constant flow of conflicting activities, a mixture of phenomena flourishing and at the same time fading and due to destruction. Hemingway breaks through the limits o f time and space in his pithy style, almost entirely revealing everything both Harrys waking and imagination. During the course of the bounces between Harrys waking and imagination, the author does not simply describe Harrys vacant current -from world-weariness to indignation, but a sort of complicated minds, and meanwhile readers discover the course of Harrys constantly shifting thought-from simplicity to degradation, and then to be awake. Through the double clues of Harrys consciousness, both the back-and-forth-springing and the secret ones as the diagram above illustrates, the entire life of the protagonist comes to be presented step by step and increasingly clear from Harrys recall and regret without chronological ordering. But with this unique employment of the technique of the back-and-forth-springing structure, Harrys stream of consciousness occurs logically and soundly at the same as the events happen around him ,even those before. Reality and Fantasy Interlacing Looking through the whole novel, all the creation of novel are completed with the aid of Harrys stream of consciousness and inner monologue except a few dialogues occurred on Harry and Helen in the awake time, and the limited scenery that Hemingway saw through the eye of hero, by the way of the mixture of reality and fantasy, so that readers can understand Harrys life and psychological state that he faced death threat and feelings of remorse. We can see the two different levels of stream of consciousness between reality and fantasy, which interweaves each other, sometimes from real life to fantasy, and sometimes from dreams to reality, as a result that the readers can straightly glimpse the inner world of characters to penetrate his feeling. In the activities of fantasy awareness, the novel shows the complex events of the past that Harry wrote after he stayed at continental place, including his childhood, the cruelty of the First World War and his skiing, looking for stimulation in gambling, his pain from anesthesia war; the journey and settle in European after the post-war, making money by writing, the personal feelings from increasingly deepening social crisis and social contradictions, his love and dissolute life and loneliness. Under the control of waking awareness, he remembered his wasteful luxury, extravagant, and hedonistic decadent life filled with fancy money and chasing women. He had destroyed his talent by not using it, by betrayals of himself and what he believed in, by drinking so much that he blunted the edge of his perceptions, by laziness, by sloth, and by snobbery, by pride and by prejudice, by hook and by crook. The fear of death for Harry from disgust, hatred was gradually changed into understanding, calm and acceptance. After all, he still loved life, he moved to Africa in order to start from scratch, but he contracted an incurable disease in the place, he was eager to find someone to save him from the death in the last time. At the moment, illusion stream of consciousness appeared, Harry saw that the aircraft droved by Compton to rescue him. He lay still and death was not there. It must have gone around another street. It went in pairs, on bicycles, and moved absolutely silently on the pavements. Because, just then, death had come and rested its head on the foot of the cot and he could smell its breath. Readers think that Harry was really sitting in the aircraft and escaped the death situation, until finally readers know that death did come, and which is the feature of description from illusion to reality of Ernest Hemingway. The master of modern narrative art, Hemingway responses to Harrys the flow of stream of consciousness, so that the stream of consciousness and inner monologue are become into the most powerful tool to express the thinking and activities of the characters. When the story reaches a climax and the energy of theme concentrates to the maximum, the two consciousnesses of reality and fantasy from Harry are integrated into one unit, spewing out the stream of consciousness in the last moment of struggling between the life and the death, which makes all the activities of sense are concentrated together, he dreamed that he flew to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro by plane, Harry understood that the place was his willing. In fact, which is the final climb of Harrys soul to the immortal realm of the spirit. Multiple points of view Hemingway chooses the multi- points of view in the fluid present of novel, so that the hero can scan and look over from several angles and reflect on their past behaviour. The frequent alternation on the person is embodied in the text description. You and he are often alternated in the same sentence in the description, making the narrative points of view frequently change. An objective description is the consciousness guide of readers, while the second-person narrative is associated with the character and the focus of attention from reader consciousness. In this way, describing characters inner activity as if Harry thinks aloud. Through the conversion of narrative point of view, the inner world of characters
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Monkey Wrench Gang: The Law breaking Heroes Essay example -- Monke
The Monkey Wrench Gang: The Law breaking Heroes Everyone knows that breaking the law is bad and anybody who does is a criminal, but Edward Abbey author of The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975), puts a twist on those thoughts. The Monkey Wrench Gang is an adventurous novel about a gang of environmentalists who set out to destroy bulldozers, bridges, cars, trains, signs or anything that is destroying their beautiful country, the American southwest. Through characterization and description Edward Abbey glorifies the art of law breaking and leaves his readers rooting for his heroic criminals. In the Monkey Wrench Gang there are four main characters: Bonnie Abbzug, Doc Sarvis, Seldom Seen Smith and George Hayduke. As individuals they never become much of a threat but as a team the fire really begins to spread. Out of all these characters Hayduke is the most prominent idealist. Hayduke is a beer-guzzling, veteran of the Vietnam War who has a grudge against the American government. The rebellious slob, sick of the human civilization and their unappreciation for the desert, decides to join forces with the others to save the American Southwest from a wrongful death. "My job is to save the f@#*ing wilderness. I don't know anything else worth saving."-Hayduke (211). Another member of the gang is the intelligent Doc Sarvis who is the money source in all the operations. Doc is a middle-aged doctor with a passion for the Southwest and for his assistant nurse named Bonnie Abbzug, another member of the gang. Bonnie is a 28-year-old woman in her prime who is a "close" friend of Doc. Before they join the gang they destruct several signs that post a threat to the Southwest. On the bumper of Doc's car is a bumper sticker t... ... all the glorified destruction Abbey never stops praising the desert's subtle beauty and enchantment. In all of his descriptions Abbey paints a beautiful picture that feeds the minds of the readers. " The rolling waters shone like hammered metal, like bronze lamé, each facet reflecting mirror- fashion the blaze in the sky. While glowing dumbly in the east, above the red canyon walls, the new antiphonal response to the glory of the sun." (54). A hero is easily defined as anyone who is admired for their courage, nobility, or exploits. Edward Abbey definitely made his characters heroes through description and character. Painting his scenery and characters with meaning and drawing his plot with adventure made the law breaking monkey wrench gang heroic savers of the American Southwest. Abbey, Edward. The Monkey Wrench Gang. Avon Book: New York, 1975.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Stress, Dieting, and Periodontal Disease
Christine Dursunian Principles of Dental Hygiene II Professor Willis Research Paper Stress, dieting and periodontal disease and to compromised systemic health. Stress, dieting, cultural diversity, foundation of health and periodontal disease: The average person would never think that all four of these topics would coincide with one another. They do, each affecting the other as stepping stones towards periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, including periodontitis and gingivitis, are chronic, bacterial infections and inflammatory diseases affecting the periodontium (tissues that support the teeth).Periodontal diseases are the most prevalent chronic diseases affecting children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. The periodontium is a complex, highly specialized, shock-absorbing and pressure-sensing system consisting of four interrelated tissues supporting the teeth: cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and junctional and sulcular epithelia (1). Periodontal disease can aff ect one or many teeth. It can also lead to progressive bone loss around teeth, which can lead to loosening and possible loss of the teeth if left untreated.There are many factors to periodontal disease that have been proven to be directly related to this growing disease, in certain populations and cultures that have been proven to stand out more than others. Through research and advanced studies with guidelines of evaluation, stress and dieting has been shown to be associated with periodontal disease(2). These additional factors involve diet, lifestyle, cultures, also including collective types of strains in ones everyday life. Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support the teeth.These infections are associated with specific pathogenic bacteria that colonize the subgingival area. When the teeth are being supported by the gingiva; the gingiva does not attach to the tooth firmly as one might think. Part of the tooth’s anatomy consists of a shallow v-shaped gaped called the sulcus which exists between the tooth and the gingiva. Periodontal disease affects this gap causing the tissue supporting the tooth to break down. Periodontal disease transitions through different levels to become what it is.Research studies indicate that a specific set of guidelines during evaluation of the association of stress and periodontal disease are important. When proposing experimental approaches, specifically in psychosocial stress and periodontal disease; present studies and future experiments show the next six factors to be very useful. Periodontal disease is measured as unique disease outcome and should not be included in a composite index with other oral diseases(3). Validated instruments are assessed for stress, distress, and copying behaviors.These helpful instruments, validated by prior studies, also on the population for each applied for research. Indications of compliance with oral health organization system should measure at-risk behaviors. Incl uding oral health behaviors such as preventive dental visits, regulations of oral hygiene regimens, and an assessment of plaque, gingivitis, and other existing disease. By rigorously establishing psychosocial factors such as stress distress, and coping behaviors are true risk factors for periodontal disease case studies and case-control series generate hypotheses (4).These hypotheses are over large cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiological studies. Studies in which mechanisms of psychosocial stress or distress show the application of periodontal disease The necessity to show relationship and correlation of applying different assessments such as biochemical mediators of stress, immune functions, or neurological and endocrine alterations as well as behavioral changes are significant in these cases(5). Lastly are randomized controlled trial methodology, the intervention of studies using stress management to establish efficacy of modification of stress as modality of stress-assoc iated disease.Managing these controlled trials allows to reduce stress or distress. Periodontal disease has been associated for years with risk factors such as oral environment, age, female hormones, family factors, smoking and nicotine, and diseases associated with periodontal disease. When discussing oral environment the first issue that comes to mind is lack of oral hygiene. Lack of oral hygiene encourages bacterial buildup and plaque formation, which puts the oral cavity into a very susceptible position for periodontal disease.Inadequate contoured restoration has also created rise to periodontal disease for its restorations of fillings and crowns. By poor dentistry the restorations help trap for debris and plaque because of its defect in contour. Anatomical tooth abnormalities are influential risk factors just as poor restorations would be, because of these abnormalities the teeth are not aligned in their natural state causing food particles to build up to the ladder of periodon tal disease causing plaque and bacteria formation. Lastly would be the anatomy of the third molars, also known as the wisdom teeth.This tooth especially is a known to be a major breeding ground for bacteria, by reason of its location and patients finding difficulty reaching posteriorly to the mouth while brushing. Other studies of this particular tooth show the unique tissues surrounding this molar region has been destructed of the plaque formation and the tissue becoming more sensitive when the third molar is impacted, meaning when the tooth is wedged between another tooth and the jaw. Next commonly associated risk factor with periodontal disease is age.Another problem in aging, comes the increase of obtaining periodontal disease. Studies have shown that thirty percent of the adults in America have periodontal disease and mostly found in people over the age of seventy years old, eighty-six percent have periodontitis (6). Rare cases it has been shown for young adolescents who are su bjected to this disease. Adding to this is family factors, periodontal disease often occurs to members of the same family. A mixture of factors belong to this title, such as intimacy, genetics and hygiene.A considerably important factor is smoking and nicotine. Being the most significant factor, causing bone loss and gingival recession and inflammation by reducing the amount of oxygen present in the gingiva tissue. When nicotine combines with oral bacteria, the production levels expectations are greater. Lastly are diseases associated with periodontal disease, such as diabetes, type one and two, osteoporosis, herpes related gingivitis, human immunodeficiency virus associated with gingivitis, autoimmune disease (7).Others diseases of genetic disorder are also at high risk for periodontitis. Contemporary conceptualization of the stress process supports the evaluation of stress at three levels. Stressors, moderating and mediating factors, and stress reactions. These three factors have emphasized the process and the unity stress can have on periodontal disease, including emotions and coping(8). These stress responses would be determined primarily by the process that makes personalized perception of a stress indicator or a threat to ones health.The aim of each study is to unfold influential factors such as personality traits, coping strategies, and experimentation of referenced information (9). The resolution of all studies suggested that depression, stress, and salivary cortisol are important correlates of periodontal disease. Therefore, it is likely that periodontitis is related to immunologic and behavioral changes related to psychologic states. Salivary cortisol seemed to have different associations with periodontal disease, because of the outcomes in models involving stress compared to models involved with depression.Periodontitis is indicated when addressing depression or stress. By strongly suggesting that stress, distress, and inadequate ways of handling di fficult situations of coping are important risk indicators for periodontal disease. Furthermore, it is likely that systemic disease associated with periodontal disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, preterm delivery and osteoporosis may share psychosocial stress as a common risk factor.During these early beginnings of study and research, requirement for one to fully understand the molecular and cellular basis of the role of stress, and in turn these studies may lead to effective intervention strategies that minimize or negate stress as a contributor to periodontal disease. Research has also proven within certain limitations this systematic review showed a positive relationship between stress and psychosocial factors and periodontal disease.However, caution should be used when interpreting this review because the different methodologies used in the included studies may have an impact on the results of the reports. The difficulties inherent is isolating the variable of stre ss, the lack of a reliable standardize psychological analysis to quantify and define most psychiatric disturbances, the individual ability of patients to cope with negative life events, and the different types and clinical parameters used to determine periodontal tissue breakdown may cat as a confounding biases and cause result distortion at several stages. lthough a positive relationship was observed between stress and periodontal disease, further representative research is need to determine the impact of stress and psychological factors as risk factors for periodontal disease. Reference: Ng SKS, Leung WK. A community study on the relationship between stress, coping, affective dispositions and periodontal attachment loss. Community Dental Oral Epidemiol 2006; 24: 252-66 Page RC, Kornman KS. The pathogenesis of human periodontitis: an introduction. Periodontol 2000 1997; 14 9-11 Robert J. Genco, Alex W. Ho, Jeffrey Kopman, Sara G. Grossel, Robert G.Dunford and Lisa A. Tedesco. M odels to Evaluate the Role of Stress in Periodontal Disease. Department of Oral Biology, Periodontal Disease Research Center, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo. Vol. 3, No 1, 288-302 July 1998. Amy E. Rosania, Kathryn G. Low, Cherly M. McCormick, and David A. Rosania. Stress, Depression, Cortisol, and Periodontal Disease. Department of Psychology, Bates College, Lewiston, ME. Volume 80, Number 2:260-266 February 2009. Breivik T, Thrane PS, Murison R, Gijermo P. Emotional stress effects on immunity, gingivitis, and periodontitis.Eur J Oral Sci 1996; 104:327-334 Green LW, Tyron WW, Marks B, Juryun J. Periodontal disease as a function of life-events stress. J Human Stress 1986;12:32-6 Annsofi Johannsen, Gunnar Rylander, Birgitta Soder, and Marie Asberg. Dental Plaque, Gingival Inflammation, and Elevated Levels of Interleukin-6 and Cortisol in Gingival Crevicular Fluid From Women with stress-related Depression and Exhaustion. Volume 77 – November 8 2006; 77:1403-1409 Genco RJ, Ho AW, Grossi SG, Dunford RG, Tedesco LA. Relationship of stress distress and inadequate coping behaviors to periodontal disease.J Periodontol 1999;70;711-23 Daiane C. Peruzzo, Bruno B. Benatti, Glaucia M. B. Ambrosano, Getullo R. Nogueria-Fiho, Enilson A. Sallum, Marcio Z. Casati, and Franciso H. Nociti Jr. A Systematic Review of Stress and Psychological Factors as Possible Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease. Volume 78- Number 8. 2007;78:1491-1504 Kaufman E, Lamster IB. Analysis of saliva for periodontal diagnosis- A review. J Clin Periodontal 2000; 27: 453-465 Arowojolu MO, Onyeaso CO, Dosumu EB, Idaboh GK. Effect on academic stress on periodontal health 2006;29:9-13
Friday, November 8, 2019
Presidential Elections - ESL Lesson
Presidential Elections - ESL Lesson Its the presidential election season in the United States and the topic is quite popular in classes around the country. Discussing the presidential election can cover a wide range of topics beyond just the two candidates. For example, you might discuss and explain the U.S. electoral college and process of collecting and counting votes. Advanced level classes might find the topic especially interesting as they can bring in observations and comparisons from their own electoral systems. Here are some suggestions and short activities that you can use in class to focus on the election. Ive put them in the order in which Id present the exercises in class in order to build up vocabulary. However, each exercise could certainly be done as a standalone activity. Definition Match Up Match the key vocabulary concerning elections to the definition. Terms attack adscandidatedebatedelegateElectoral Collegeelectoral voteparty conventionparty platformpolitical partypopular votepresidential nomineeprimary electionregistered voterslogansound bitestump speechswing statethird partyto electto nominatevoter turnoutvoting booth Definitions choose who will be the next presidenta state which does not typically vote either Republican or Democrat but swings back and forth between the partiesa short phrase which is used to encourage voters to support a candidatea political party which is neither Republican nor Democratthe person who runs for president the person who is chosen by the party to run for presidentan election to decide who will be chosen by the party a representative from a state who can vote at the primary conventiona gathering of a political party to choose a candidate and vote on other issues important to the partya standard speech that is used repeatedly during a campaignadvertising which is aggressive and tries to hurt the other candidatea short phrase which sums up an opinion or fact and is repeated throughout the mediahow many people vote in the election, usually expressed in a percentagethe group of state representatives which cast the electoral votea vote by someone in the Electoral College for the votethe number of people who vote for the president Conversation Questions Here are some questions to get the conversation going. These questions use the vocabulary in the match up to help start using the new vocabulary actively. Which parties have candidates?Who are the nominees? Have you seen a presidential debate?How do presidential elections differ from the US election in your country?Do voters have to register in your country?Whats voter turnout like in your country?Do you understand the difference between the Electoral college and the popular vote?What do you think are the main planks in each partys platform?Which candidate appeals to you? Why? Electoral Points of View In this day and age of media sound bites, it can be a helpful exercise to remind students that media coverage almost has its own point-of-view despite claims of objectivity. Ask students to try to find examples of articles that are biased from both the left and the right, as well as from a neutral point of view. Have students find an example of a biased Republican and Democratic news report or article.Ask students to underline the biased opinions.Each student should explain how the opinion is biased. Questions that cant help include: Does the blog post represent a specific point of view? Does the author appeal to the emotions or rely on statistics? How does the writer try to persuade the reader of his or her point of view? Etc. Ask students to write a short blog post or paragraph presenting either candidate from a biased point of view. Encourage them to exaggerate!As a class, discuss what types of signs they look for when looking for bias. Student Debate For more advanced classes, ask students to debate the issues being presented as themes of the election. Students should base their arguments on how they think each candidate would address the issues. Student Polling Activity A simple exercise: ask students to vote for either candidate and count the votes. The results may surprise everyone! Finally, students might also find this presidential election dialogue helpful, as well as this longer reading comprehension on presidential elections.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Investigation into Doctors Paid to Review SSD Applications
Investigation into Doctors Paid to Review SSD Applications Investigation Requested into Doctors Paid to Review SSD Applications The chairman of a Congressional Ways and Means Subcommittee has requested a federal investigation into the process under which states hire doctors to review applications for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.U.S. Representative John Larson of Connecticut has formally requested the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), the federal governments fiscal watchdog, investigate how doctors review applications for disability benefits. His action follows a recent report which raises concerns that many qualified applicants may be unfairly denied in a rush to process applications quickly to be compensated for more money.What the Proposed Investigation Would Examine The producers of the report sought information from the Social Security Administration (SSA) on the performance of doctors who review disability cases. The SSA estimated such a report would cost $2.3 million. This led Larson to ask the GAO for its own examination on a state-by-state basis.Larson wants the GAO t o examine paying doctors on contract- and the compensation doctors receive for each case. He also wants to know what qualifications these physicians hold, including any performance measures to which they are held. The ultimate goal is an analysis of the quality of their decisions. The GAO reserves the right to accept or decline such requests for an audit.How Applications Are Reviewed The SSA oversees the SSD program on a federal level. The agency, however, delegates the review of individual applications to the states. It is up to the states to determine who qualifies.The states hire doctors to review applications and make recommendations on eligibility, often paying a flat fee per case. In some instances, physicians appear to speed through as many as five applications per hour.Experts worry this is not enough time to review detailed medical records and issue an accurate determination regarding an applicants approval or denial of benefits. They also feel long wait times place undue h ardship on those who have been wrongfully denied benefits. In 2017, more than 9,570 SSD applicants died while waiting for an appeals decision.We Can HelpIf you are disabled and unable to work, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check and help you determine if any money or assets you receive could impact your eligibility for disability benefits.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the Social Security Disability Benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental, or cognitive impairment, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s experienced Social Security Disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence. detroit disability lawyer., Michigan disability lawyer, Social Security Disa bility
Monday, November 4, 2019
RED BULL Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
RED BULL - Assignment Example Red Bull is the first of its kind in the global market, and carved out for itself a new category that did not exist before. This distinction and the elements that built it are the sources of brand equity. Brand equity is defined as the added value that is endowed on economic goods as a result of branding (Bick, 2009; Farhana, 2012; M’zungu, et al., 2010; Znaidi & Fidha, 2012). it is – â€Å"[The] differentiation effect of brand knowledge on customer response leading to long-term outlook, customer knowledge, brand name, brand power, product innovation, brand quality, brand extensions, brand credentials, brand advertising, brand publicity and above all, effective brand management.†(Arora, et al., 2009, p. 75) 2. Case issues 2.1. Identification of Red Bull’s sources of brand equity The most important issue is the identification of Red Bull’s sources of brand equity, because they drive the product’s value creation. If the firm is to move product ion forward into the next higher level and avoid obsolescence, it must innovate along the line of its brand equity to ensure that what has been achieved has not been diminished. 2.2. Determination of new products under the Red Bull brand The innovation necessary to preserve brand equity and create value must emanate from the source of brand equity; having identified this in the first issue, the secondary issue is to put this knowledge into practice by choosing among alternative products that add further value. 3. Analysis of the Case The case treats on the entry of the Red Bull brand into new product categories, and the impact of this move on brand equity. These aspects are the gist of the three questions the answers to which follow: 3.1 Description of Red Bull’s sources of brand equity – Aaker’s sources of brand equity consist of 10 items spread over five dimensions, namely brand loyalty, perceived quality/leadership, associations/differentiations, awareness, a nd market behaviour (Gill & Dawra, 2010). These are all present in Red Bull. One element of brand loyalty is premium pricing; Red Bull is well received because its high price was seen to be justified by its added benefits above other drinks. Perceived quality and leadership are partnered with differentiation; Red Bull was marketed as the first energy drink, and thereafter leader of its class. The fourth dimension, brand awareness, was evident in German and Hungarian markets where, solely through word of mouth, mystique about the brand spread (including reference to â€Å"bulls’ testicles†as ingredient) such that the product was well anticipated and demand created long before its introduction. The fifth dimension, market behaviour, was positive in countries such as Austria where the product was first introduced, and the positive response worked to create brand equity in new markets Red Bull subsequently entered. 3.2 How Red Bull’s marketing program contributes t o brand equity The elements of the marketing mix employed by Red Bull all contributed to a different experience in the mind of the consumer, which was important in creating product recall and influencing future choice (Korkofingas & Ang, 2011). The marketing mix includes the 4 P’s, namely product, pricing, placement, and positioning. 3.2.1 Product – The first of a new class of beverage, the energy drink, which competitors first dismissed as a fad and then later on imitated. In Austria, the company needed to lobby for the creation of a new category, â€Å"functional food,†because the product did not fit into any of the established categories. The taste, which was adjusted to approximate the traditional cola, nevertheless retained a hint of â€Å"medicinal†flavour that still distinguished it as a functional beverage. 3.2.2 Packaging –
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Network Infrastructure and Design Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Network Infrastructure and Design - Term Paper Example Thus, the choice has been made for the purpose of eliminating future challenges during the upgrading (Kurose & Ross, 2005). Devices in the internet arrangement will be assigned unique numbers so that they can communicate with the rest of the devices with effectiveness. Devices in the arrangement include mobile gadgets as well as computers. Since this organization is expected to have new devices all the time, the implementation of IPv4 was found to be inappropriate since IPv6 can only accommodate a limited number of devices. The IPv6 will be using addresses of 128-bits, and this will facilitate 2128 addresses, and this number is already exceeding the IPv4 with over 7.9*1028times. This is because the IPv4 utilizes a 32-address bit arrangement which, therefore, provides for just 4,294,967,296 addresses all over the world (Kurose & Ross, 2008). There has been an accelerating deployment of IPv6 since its global launch took place in June 2012. As it has been aforementioned, its main advant age is the enlarged address space. Its addresses are indicated in eight groups that consist of 4-hexadecimal digits. The digits are separated via colons. Since not every network support the dual-stack, the idea behind tunneling will be applied in situations where IPv6 need to communicate with IPv4. This is because of the fact that cable network operators go for tunneling until the foundational equipment is able to support the native dual-stack (Kurose & Ross, 2008). Since not every network has the capacity to support dual-stack, the idea tunneling will be employed if it will be necessary for the IPv4 to communicate with IPv6 and vice versa. The implementation will be accomplished with the realization that most of the current users of the internet infrastructure lack the IPv6 support for dual-stack. This means that it cannot reach the sites using the IPv6 directly. Since the IPv4 infrastructure has to be used to carry the IPv6 packets, tunneling technique must be employed. This techn ique encapsulates the IPv6 packets in a manner that allows for their transformation via the IPv4 infrastructure. Using that infrastructure will, therefore, necessitate the use of IPv4 as it acts as the link layer that connects to IPv6 (Kurose & Ross, 2008). The IP protocol 41 that indicates that IPv4 packets encapsulate the IPv6 data grams, there will be the need to avoid using routers and other network transmission devices that could block the protocol 41. In situations where the IPv6 data grams have to pass through the inhibiting structures, there will be an implementation of the UDP packets for the purpose of encapsulating them. Other encapsulation strategies, such as Generic Routing Encapsulation and AYIYA will also be employed. The IPv4’s compatibility with the IPv6 is usually a firmware or software issue. In that case, there could be a necessity to replace the older hardware/software since they may not be upgraded. Another reason for opting to implement the IPv6 is the suggestion by the American Registry for the Internet Numbers that every server be ready to serve those clients with IPv6. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Options The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol as a network protocol will be utilized in configuring the network devices in a manner that enables them to communicate on the IP network. The Dynamic Host
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